Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Whatcha Reading!

Hey guys! I know this next book review is really soon, but this book was one of my favorites :) It is written by one of my favorite people in this world, a fellow youtuber, Connor Franta. His book is called "A Work In Progress" and is a memoir of his life so far. It might not be everyone's cup of tea because you might not want to learn about his life. But for me I loved it. I loved learning about him and how he sees the world. He is a big inspiration to me and this book is just great. It captures who he is as a person and I am so proud of him. I read this book in 2 days and if you would love for any advice for anything you are going through, this would be a great book. He goes through his struggles and his life experiences that might help you or someone you know through their own. Pick up his book aworkinprogressbyconnor.com 😊 

Favorite quotes: "And by "show" I mean me talking about nothing for an extended period of time under the assumption that I am funny."

"But that's the annoying thing about childhood--and actually the rest of life: reality rarely lives up to high expectations."

"Let's visit the subject is of math for a moment-- adored by some, hated by me."

"Real Life isn't like that. It's one take, unedited, imperfect, and littered with mistakes that we must repeat until we get it right-- a truth for teenagers and adults alike."

"True friendship is counted in memories, experiences, and troubles shared; it's a bond built up over time in person, not a virtual tally on the Internet. It finds you; you don't find it."

"Know this too: Some people won't like you, and you won't like everyone. That's okay. None of that matters."

"Life should be more about living in the moment than fearing what's happening outside it."

"But isn't that what we all do in high school? Overthink things and worry about what's out of our control?"

"Don't let that suffocate your vision."

"But scars--inside and out-- are only a big deal if we choose to focus on them and ignore the good things." 

"If you like you, that's all that matters. If you don't, then maybe you could work out why that is."

"Be numb to the numbers. Don't let the numbers numb you."

"Love is love-- an energy that fuses soul."

"The uncertainty-- the not knowing-- is the adventure." 

"In fact, the truest lesson of them all is that our experience of suffering-- and, perhaps, our first taste of the blues or depression-- beings in high school. Be it heartbreak, bullying, anxiety, stress, or general sadness, we will all graduate high school with a diploma in tough emotions." 

"Loneliness really is a state of mind." 

Heres another quote that is too long to write:

Heres a picture of me meeting him :) on June 6 2014 

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