Thursday, August 6, 2015

Turn the Page!

Guys im sobbing. I literally just finished this book. I can not express how depressed i feel after finishing it and closing the cover. I am telling you all right now to go to your local library RIGHT NOW and to get it! It is the book called "I Was Here" by Gayle Forman. Now ive heard of this author before and knew her books were pretty well liked. So when i opened it up and read the first line i ran with the book right to the check out and bought it. I have never been more happy with a decision.

At first i couldnt get into the book, but thats because i had no time to actually sit down and really absorb the book. So finally one night at midnight i sat down and zoomed through half the book and read till around 1 am. I cant explain to you how crazy this book made me. It is very intense and touches on a very sensitive topic. The topic is suicide and it hits very close to the heart. Its not that i have experienced a friend or anyone who has done it, but the depression beforehand is just a sensitive topic to me.

This book is the journey of Meg's friend (the one who committed suicide), Cody who is suspicious about her death and goes on a detective hunt on how to figure out how she really died and the full story behind it. The book can be very very sad and yet very inspirational. Cody was megs best friend and i cant imagine her going through that its very heartbreaking and hits the heart hard.

FAVORITE CHARACTER: Definitely Ben. No mater how much of a jerk he was to Meg before she died and how much of an asshole he was in parts of the book, i couldn't help but feel for him. I honestly relate to him the most. He is so dark and lonely in ways i couldnt explain to you without you reading the book. He is a beautiful character with so much heart and i root for him all the way.

Favorite Quotes: "I know it will cause you pain, and for that i am sorry, but please know that i needed to end my own pain."

"At memorial services, people talk, though what is there to say?"

"....because we slept like hell but also good because the talks were like blood transfusions, moments of realness and hope that were pinpricks of light in the dark fabric of small-town life."

"Used to seems far from where i am now."

"She didnt tell me that she found life to be so unbearably painful. I mean, i didnt even have a clue."

"How can you believe someone to be beautiful and amazing and just about the most magical person youve ever known, when it turns out she was in such pain that she had to drink poison that robbed her cells of oxygen until her heart had no choice but to stop beating?"

"Have a good life. Its not what i meant to say. It sounds too flippant. But maybe its the most you can hope for someone."

"Live fast, die young. Everyone romanticizes that notion, and i hate it. There is absolutely nothing romantic about dying young."

"Theoretically, i learned in physics that the universe is expanding at a rate of, like, forty-five miles a second, but it sure as shit doesnt feel that way when youre standing still."

"What if i escape the pain of this life only to land somewhere worse?"

"Its an act of bravery to feel your feelings, even if your feelings are telling you to die."

"Its funny how once you start pretending, you realize how much everyone else is too."

"....But so much shit has happened in the last year of my life that i am questioning whether i even have a life, or what i thought was my life is actually an illusion, or maybe a delusion. Because it doesnt seem like living to me. It seems like preserving, like thats the most i can hope for. Im not that old, but im already so tired."

"Life seems to be about endurance, not enjoyment, not fulfillment. I dont see the point."

"I found the part of me that was tired of living, and i put her out there."

"A sunless planet, which is what you called yourself, wasnt it? Its already a dead planet. Even if youre still going through the motions."

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