Sunday, November 3, 2019

Remembering Might Destroy Her (book nook)

Hey guys its time for another book review in order to catch up to the books I am currently reading. I finished this one in early September, so I still got a little ways to catch up. This one is "Six Months Later" by Natalie D. Richards. I have never read her stuff before, but this book made me want to explore her as an author.

This book is about a junior in high school who falls asleep in study hall one day in the spring and wakes up and it's winter and she has missed the past 6 months of her life. She has a boyfriend she doesn't remember getting, a friend who she feels a strange connection with, and a best friend who now hates her. What happened the last 6 months and why does she not remember anything? She changed into something she doesn't recognize, but she is ready to figure out what the hell happened and find her old self in the process.

This book was a roller coaster because I was trying to guess the whole time what the hell the ending could be. Why did she forget everything about the past 6 months? What was the author's plan? I was so fascinated and interested into how she was going to write this strange concept. I was excited. Without giving away too much information, WHOA. This story was insane and kept me on my feet. It wasn't scary or a thriller, but it was interesting almost scientific in a way. This novel gives you something I have never really read before, a twist on high school. I have read about murders and mysteries, but never about amnesia. This girl doesn't remember 6 months of her life, how is that possible? The concept alone is incredible. I give props to Richards for thinking of it and executing it really well. I definitely recommend cause i was constantly astounded and turning pages.

Favorite Character: Chloe, the main character, and Adam the resident bad boy of the story. Each had their own unique characteristics that drew me to them. Chloe's tenacity and Adam's charming personality. However, what I liked the most was them together as a unit. Their scenes were the most powerful and special to me in the whole story. It gave the book dimension and interesting character relationships.

Favorite Quote: "This is not okay. Anytime you spend four hours getting poked and prodded while wearing a gown that leaves your butt flapping in the breeze, things are not okay."


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