Saturday, September 14, 2019

Be a Bawse (book nook)

Hello everyone. The next few blog posts will be me playing catch up. I have been reading, I swear. To be honest, I could never stop reading, however, I did stop writing for a bit. But now I am back and ready to write about the books I read while I was gone. Each in a separate post, including the one I already posted about Harry Potter series. So, here we go:

I had just spent 6ish months in the wizarding world and I was officially done. I wanted my first book after the series to be mellow, maybe not even fictional. So I decided to read "How to be a Bawse" by Lilly Singh. Lilly is a youtuber turned entrepreneur. I found her videos back when I was a freshmen in high school, which was 2012 (omg I'm old). She was funny, energetic, and happy. I was intrigued and I binged her videos for hours. Moving back to present day, I still watch her videos and follow her story all the way to night time tv. She has truly flourished in her career and life. I am so proud. 

One of the things that she did in her career was write this book. It is a "self help" book on how to be a bawse, not a boss, but a BAWSE. Bawse is a powerful person who makes the right moves and conquers life everyday. Lilly had mastered being a bawse, so she wants to pass on her wisdom. I truly liked the book, however, I feel like I am already a bawse. However, her stories and wisdom really did impact me. Her 'out of the blue' chapters recall times where she was really depressed. Then she would write a counter to that same incident in a lighter picture. It was amazing to see the growth and be shown that no matter how dark it gets, you can always find the light. Don't give up, bawse's never do.

This book is impactful and I recommend it to anyone who wants to learn how to take control of who you are and embrace that wholeheartedly. It is a powerful thing to be yourself, so in doing that, you are one step closer to becoming a BAWSE.

Never give up you guys, even when it seems dark. I love you bawse's \
xoxo -haley

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