Thursday, January 17, 2019

Book Nook 2019

Hey y'all I finished my first book of 2019! I am trying to actually complete the Pop Sugar Reading Challenge they have every year, so I'm hoping to read faster and get reviews out to you all!

This time it is "Sway" by Kat Spears. This book was one that had been sitting on my shelf for a long, hence why I crossed the "book i meant to read in 2018" prompt on my reading challenge. I have had it for awhile now and finally decided it was my next victim.

It is about a boy named Jesse who could sell hell to a priest. He gets people what they want and makes a job out of it. It isn't any ordinary job, he is very lowkey and undercover about it. Everyone calls him Sway because he is chill about everything. This job makes me a lot of money, but in this story it also gets him into trouble. A jock named Ken pays Jesse to get this girl Bridget to go out with him. Jesse accepts, but little does he know love is in his future as well. I won't spoil anything, you'll just have to read it yourself.

I loved this story. It was different from anything I had read before. Yes, it had a love story in it, but the way everything unfolded was new and exciting. There was a lot of mystery in the characters and comedy in the words. I liked the way it was written and the way the characters developed as the story progressed. I think if the characters weren't as interesting or likeable, this would have just been another teen romance, but they were and I really enjoyed how the story unraveled. I recommend it 100%, it's a good, fast read.

Favorite Character: I know it's cliche to say the main character, but Jesse was extraordinarily written out. He had humor and mystery and something about him made him intriguing. He was also caring even if he didn't want others to know about it. I liked the way he ran his life and the way he was so independent from others and his obstacles. It made his character development hella awesome.

Favorite Quotes: "Secrets are power."

"Sometimes what we want to be and what the world expects from us are two different things."

"'I wish my life was like a Taylor Swift song,' Joey said."
"'Not me' I said. 'It's got to suck to be that talented and good-looking.'"

"Can't bullshit a bullshitter."

"Good music never stops being good, no matter how old it is."

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