Today I have another book review for you! It is "Make your mind up" by Bethany Mota. Bethany is a internet personality that started out on Youtube making videos about beauty and make-up. She now has grown up into an awesome role model that has created her own clothing line at Aeropostle, gained over 10 million subscribers, and wrote a book!
I would say that this book is a mixture of different things. It goes into details and stories about her and her life and struggles. Then she has tips and tricks in fashion and beauty. She also includes recipes for her favorite healthy foods. This made her book unique compared to other memoirs I've read. It wasn't just about stories, it had pro tips and lifestyle hacks and ideas to help you in your everyday life.
This book was so aesthetically pleasing and beautifully put together, though I wasn't surprised. It was Bethany of course it was gonna be beautiful. She divided each chapter into categories, which was a fun way to organize. It made it a book you could read in any order you want. You could read chapter 5 on beauty before reading chapter 2 on food. (Those are not exact chapters). I loved that as a fan she made it personal and related everyday things to her life, which made me feel closer to her and she seemed more relatable. As for people who don't know her through her videos it still is a great read for young people to learn who they are and learn fun hacks and tips for their own lives.
Overall, I really liked her book. It was fun and youthful, just like Bethany is. It is also quite fun to read a book by a person you have met! I met Bethany in 2013 at her Aeropostle tour and it was so much fun. My friends and I got up super early to get in line in the freezing cold to wait in line to meet her. In the end it was all worth it. She is super sweet and you can tell she cares. Love ya beth xoxo
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