Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Maine Vacation Day 2

Hey guys here's the next chapter in this Maine series.

Today we swam as usual and had a lot of fun. We even made our own makeshift Vball net which was very interesting. It was me, my dad, & bro vs my sis, her fiancé, and my mom. We of course won, but that is besides the point. It was super fun and our net actually withstood the crashing of our dives for the ball.

After a swim we had some lunch which was delicious. Swimming gets you very exhausting, but the day was just getting started!!

We all took some showers and then headed out on the town to Portland!!! I was super excited to walk and maybe see some cuties ;) Unfortunately I didn't spot any, but Portland was beautiful. I did end up buying a cute sweatshirt with a moose on it.

So apparently Maine is known for the rain and so soon after our shopping adventures began the rain came. It wasn't that hard, but it was quite annoying. However, even with the rain in my face my eyes did not skip over the fence with many locks on it. I immediately wanted to look and was so amazed by how similar it was to the love lock bridge in Paris. If you didn't already know if I could visit anywhere it'd be Paris so obviously I was flipping out! It wasn't the exact bridge, obviously but I was happy nonetheless. It was beautiful I couldn't help it.

a piece of the Berlin Wall 

After that we were all starving so we headed back to the car and went to dockside grill. It was limited in options and for a picky girl like me i wasn't to happy but I decided on some sides of whipped potatoes & rice pilaf and I totally fell in love. It was super delicious even though it was quite pricey. 

After dinner the rain stopped and the sunset was beautiful so we decided to have a mini photoshoot over the pretty view with the sailboats in the background. Then when we reached the house we were all pretty tired and ready for bed. We didn't do much after we came home from dinner besides relax.

So that's it for today's Maine adventures. By the way I figured out a way to get my video to upload! It has a weird border, but I wanted you to see it so I still got it up! Here's the link to watch: HERE

Much love to everyone xoxo - idontknow

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