Wednesday, July 29, 2015

July Favorites!

Hey guys i wanted to do something new on this blog so i decided at the end of every month i'm going to be sharing some of my favorites with you!

Favorite book: This month my favorite book was def P.S I Still Love You by Jenny Han. I already wrote about this book and reviewed it so you already know i am obsessed. Its just such a great sequel to an already amazing first novel.

Favorite clothing article: My new shoes from target. They unbelievably comfortable and fit me like a glove. I really want to buy more because the patterns are so cute and stylish and then the price is so affordable.

Favorite Movie: ive seen many movies this month but by far i loved Paper Towns the most. It is a movie based on a book by the one and only John Green who i adore. The movie was very similar to the book which i appreciated a lot. All in all the movie was fantastic and i am so happy and proud for john green and all he has accomplished in the last couple of years.

Favorite song: honestly music this month has been so great its hard to pick just one favorite. But if i had to ive been listening to everything tori kelly. Her new album is perfection and my favorite song from that is "I was made for loving you" ft. ed sheeran, another one of my favorite artists. If you have the chance to listen to her music DO IT !

Favorite event: I honestly loved my trip to maine this month but i also loved the concert i got the chance to go to. Pepsi was sponsoring the band Bastille at the columbus commons and they put on a free show! My friends jess, akasya, rose, and i all went together and its the nights like that that i live for. It was so much fun and the music was perfect.

Favorite random items: Im in love with the pillow i bought from target that helps out my back like crazy. It is so comfortable and nice to lay with. And not to mention its the softest thing ever!!
I also have been loving my new "I cant sleep" journal. Im such a night owl so i love to write in it why im so awake at like 2 in the morning, It lets me open my mind,

Well thats it for my favorites this month! If any of you have another favorite category i should talk about let me know in the comments! Much love xoxo - i dont know

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Turn the Page!

Hi guys so i read this book in 2 days. 2. That's how crazy good this next novel is. The next book is "P.s I still love you" by the genius Jenny Han. Han has become one of my favorite writers. She has written the summer I turned pretty series and now has added this book as a sequel to her equally as fantastic "To all the boys I've loved before."

When I heard Han was turning one of my favorite novels into a sequel I screamed for joy and excitement. And when it came out I got my hands on it right away. So over the vacation break after reading one of my summer reading books (life of pi, which is great also) I started to read this one. I read it in 2 days without stopping I couldn't put it down. I was sad when I finished because I had nothing else to do on the 13 hours road trip home from Maine. 

Jenny Han is a genius and forever will be.  She has created a story so great I wish I had it. 

FAVORITE CHARACTER: I'm torn between Peter and John Ambrose. They are the two main boy characters and I love them both. They are both equally as romantic in their own ways and I can't decide which is better. I love them both so much and once you read it you'll understand why it's so hard to choose between the two. 

Favorite quotes: "I suppose you can't hold on to old things just for the sake of holding on."

"Things feel like they'll be forever, but they aren't. Love can go away, or people can, without even meaning to. Nothing is guaranteed." 

"There are two kinds of girls in this world. The kind who breaks hearts and the kind who gets her heart broken." 

"Youth is truly wasted on the young." 

"Maybe really, really good things aren't meant to last for too long; maybe that's what makes them all the more sweet, the temporariness of them."

"She's too little to understand. Part of me hopes she never does. It was better when I didn't."

"I could fall in love with you so easily, I'm halfway there already."

"I don't think it was our time then. I guess it isn't now, either. But one day maybe it will be." 

"People come in and out of your life. For a time they are your world; they are everything. And then one day they're not.  There's no telling how long you will have them near.... It's the goodbyes that are hard."

"I know now that I don't want to love it be loved in half measures. I want it all, and to have it all, you have to risk it all." 

"Love is not transactional. It is not a bank account; you don't always get what you put in."

Friday, July 17, 2015

Turn the page!

Hello and welcome back to book review!! The next book I finished is quite out of the ordinary. It's by one of my favorite youtubers Grace Helbig. She makes comedy videos and I love her style and humor. Her book, I read, is called "Graces Guide: The Art of Pretending to be an Adult". It was so funny. It was set up as chapters on different topics and then there was subtopics inside the larger ones. For example, one chapter was relationships and she tells you how-to ask someone out, how-to get ready for a date, etc.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and laughed out loud multiple times. She cracks me up in her videos and her book was no different. It kept me laughing even though I'm not an adult. That is the perfect thing about it. It is a book for any age and any gender really. She teaches you some pretty great things that are going to be useful in the future. The fact that she came out of her comfort zone and off the internet and shared some of her experience in this book is very brave and amazing of her.

I hope that you go buy her book or find it online because you will be missing out. It is such a good read and i couldnt tell you that enough times.

Favorite Quotes: " I am here to support you. I'm here to help you grow and remind you that stupid is fun and failure is rewarding."

"School can be depressing when you realize it's where you've spent most of your youth."

"You don't really need to know math. Unless you're majoring in it or are a professional human calculator." 

"Surround yourself with people who arethe ketchup to your french fries- they make you a better version of yourself. Yes french fries are amazing on their own, but combined with ketchup they're a force." 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Maine Vacation Day 5

GUYS LAST FULL DAY IN MAINE! CAN YOU HEAR MY SOBS?!? Maine has been an amazing experience for me. It opened my eyes in the fact i love to travel and explore new things and places. I am hoping to get more opportunities like this one in the near future. BUT ANYWAY, back to day 5.

For day 5 of course we swam in the morning, but im not going into detail because ive said that everyday! However, we decided after swimming we wanted to see an actual beach. We saw rocky beaches but none with sand. So, we jumped in the car and headed down to old orchard beach and it was beautiful. Just seeing the sand and the waves crashing was so nice. We all went down and stuck out feet in the water and man oh man was it chilly. It was very very cold, but equally refreshing.

After dipping our feet in the freezing sea we headed out to old orchard pier, but we didnt stay for long because the atmosphere gave us all headaches. There was so many people around and it was clustered with so many things in your face. I didnt like it all that much so we left after like 10 minutes. 

Soon after our exploration died at old orchard it was revived with a walk down in downtown Portland. We stopped at some shops new and old and then decided we all needed to eat. Therefore, we headed back to our house and ate like kings. We had some chicken breast, some taters, beans. and bread and i loved it. Since im picky every time we have chicken its a good time. 

Since tonight was our last night i guess im bidding this series a farewell. It was an amazing trip where there were adventures upon adventures. I will be sad leaving tomorrow, but happy i have a new experience on my shoulders. Going back to work in the depressing corners of the mall is going to suck, but at least ill have the memories to reminisce and day dream about being here again. The house we had was super duper amazing and ill miss the private pool. I cant wait to be home, but also i could wait another week. 

Well i hope you guys enjoyed the Maine series and ill be back soon with more book reviews and more about my life soon! Until then, happy adventuring!! 

And hey if you wanna see day 4-6 in live action heres the link to my youtube video: CLICK HERE

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - confucius 

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Maine Vacation Day 4

WELCOME BACK EVERYONE! Maine is doing me well and its been a great vacation so far. I have been super busy and thats why these arent daily, maine has been keeping me a busy bee.

As for todays blog, day 4 has been super awesome! In the morning, you guessed it, we swam once again. Im pretty sure we will be swimming every morning because up here on the east coast 11-2 pm is prime time swim time. Its been a blast swimming cause our private pool is sweet.

After some laps and dunks we headed out to a park called Two Lights Park. We tricked the lady to think we were Maine residents so we got in cheaper! However, that is not the point. The point is if i were you and if you ever decide to visit Maine this is a place you should visit. Not only is it th coolest thing i will ever see its all very beautiful. It was a magnificent rock beach with a amazing scenery and waves splashing up at us :)

We took many many pictures that i will love forever and ever. Also i couldnt resist taking some arsty pics myself.

After we had our adventure and hike out on the rocks and the trail we headed home to freshen up and actually look decent. We headed to a nice dinner in downtown portland. We decided on going to Sebago a very fancy hotel restaurant. It had a delicious selection of food for everyone! I had the fish and chips and let me just say that it was delicious i ate the whole fish and most of the french fries. It was super yummy and im pretty sure no one could do anything after all that food.

So after dinner we headed home and very soon went to sleep. No one had the energy for any games that night, too much food.

So that was it for day 4 and we only have 1 more full day left *starts crying* Hope you all are enjoying your summer much love xoxo -idontknow

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Maine Vacation Day 3

Hello beautifuls and welcome to part 3 of Maine adventures. Today (July 8) we again swam in our lovely private pool and played vball again, but this time boys vs girls. It was equally as fun as the first and again my team won ;)

After we swam in the hot sun we decided to go to a park that my mom found online. It was called Cape Elizabeth and it had a beautiful view and scenery. My whole family couldn't help but take a billion pictures. Here's a view of my favorites:

After looking at the scenery for about 30 minutes we headed over to an area with many rocks that you could walk down on. It was a pretty rock beach which was very slippery and very cool. It was amazing the way everything looked, it reminded me of ariel when she is on the rock and the water splashes up because that's what was happening.

I didn't want to leave at all because of how beautiful it was. After playing mountain climber for a long time and taken many many pictures we headed in our car and drove over to the other side of the park where there was an old fort. It was a fort people back in the days used to fend off enemy boats. It was an very cool looking, old-beaten down fort with a lot of history behind it. I felt like the biggest tourist, but i also didnt care at all.

After leaving the stunning Cape Elizabeth we headed back home where josh, adam, jessie, and i played some rounds of Frog (basketball) and horribly sucked. Then we had a delicious cookout full of hot dogs, brauts, mac and cheese, and corn. Then after we feasted on cook out food we played scattergories again. It was equally as fun playing it and we all couldnt stop laughing.

After playing games and being adventurous we all were pooped. And we all headed to bed. Alright guys so that is it for day 3 and i hope you are enjoying these blogs. Also i finally figured out the vlog situation and i have another one up! It is the first 3 days of maine in action, so if reading about it wasnt enough for your heart then click the link :) Or just click the link cause you love me <3


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Maine Vacation Day 2

Hey guys here's the next chapter in this Maine series.

Today we swam as usual and had a lot of fun. We even made our own makeshift Vball net which was very interesting. It was me, my dad, & bro vs my sis, her fiancé, and my mom. We of course won, but that is besides the point. It was super fun and our net actually withstood the crashing of our dives for the ball.

After a swim we had some lunch which was delicious. Swimming gets you very exhausting, but the day was just getting started!!

We all took some showers and then headed out on the town to Portland!!! I was super excited to walk and maybe see some cuties ;) Unfortunately I didn't spot any, but Portland was beautiful. I did end up buying a cute sweatshirt with a moose on it.

So apparently Maine is known for the rain and so soon after our shopping adventures began the rain came. It wasn't that hard, but it was quite annoying. However, even with the rain in my face my eyes did not skip over the fence with many locks on it. I immediately wanted to look and was so amazed by how similar it was to the love lock bridge in Paris. If you didn't already know if I could visit anywhere it'd be Paris so obviously I was flipping out! It wasn't the exact bridge, obviously but I was happy nonetheless. It was beautiful I couldn't help it.

a piece of the Berlin Wall 

After that we were all starving so we headed back to the car and went to dockside grill. It was limited in options and for a picky girl like me i wasn't to happy but I decided on some sides of whipped potatoes & rice pilaf and I totally fell in love. It was super delicious even though it was quite pricey. 

After dinner the rain stopped and the sunset was beautiful so we decided to have a mini photoshoot over the pretty view with the sailboats in the background. Then when we reached the house we were all pretty tired and ready for bed. We didn't do much after we came home from dinner besides relax.

So that's it for today's Maine adventures. By the way I figured out a way to get my video to upload! It has a weird border, but I wanted you to see it so I still got it up! Here's the link to watch: HERE

Much love to everyone xoxo - idontknow

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Maine Vacation Day 1

Helllllo beautiful people and welcome to this series on my families vacation to Portland, Maine! I am not quite sure how many of these there will be, but i will try to write about everyday. Itll be like writing in my journal, but i wanted to share it with you guys!
the gang for the week :)

So today July 6, 2015 is when we reached the beautiful state of Maine. Before we reached the state and our home the car rides were very interesting and very long. It was a crazy road trip but well worth it once we arrived.
fireworks down in Cleveland on the way up

all the big spots we went through on the way

We got to our vacation home around 2:15 pm and it was very hot so of course after we brought all our things and picked our rooms and of course found that wifi password i put on my bathing suit. I couldn't help but jump in right away and the water was cold but man was it refreshing. Our house has a private pool and an amazing hot tub. The backyard is super nice with lots of seating, including my favorite thing ever, A HAMMOCK CHAIR! I have officially decided i want one in my house. The house is very big and spacious and thats good because we brought 6 crazy people on this trip.

After our dip in the pool and taking some cool underwater pictures we all decided to get out and my dad and i went into the hot tub. DANG that hot tub is one fancy thing! It felt amazing on the back and booty. I love it and cant wait to use it more this week. I am amazed on how beautiful maine is and i havent even been here for 24 hours. I can already tell im falling in love and wont want to leave.

Since we arrived in maine mid afternoon there isnt much we did today, so this post is a short one. I will try to post my vlogs soon and videos i will be making as soon as possible. My computer hasnt been cooperating lately will rendering my videos but ill surely figure out and when i do ill let you know when you can check out the maine videos! 

I hope this series is something yall are exciting about because i surely am. This is gonna be one hell of an adventure and i couldnt be more happy. Hope everyone had a great fourth and is having a suntastic summer! Much love xoxoxo - idontknow