Hey guys so on May 31st my friend Jessica and I headed out on the road to Dayton, OH to go to the shawn mendes concert. We bought tickets late April and have been waiting for this day for a long time. We also happened to be the first 50 people to buy tickets, so we got VIP passes!! We have never been so excited for something in a long time!
So we headed out around 10;30 am because it took us around an hour and 15 minutes to get there and the people told us to be there around 12:45 pm. We listened to shawn the whole way there and we couldn't stop being excited!
When we got to the venue it was around 11:45 and we found the line for VIP. The worst part of the experience was the waiting! The venue said we were supposed to get in at 12:45, but we didnt even get in to see sound check and meet him until around 2:30. There were a lot of angry teens, including jess and i.
Finally, once we got into the venue we got wristbands and were let into sound check! There were not that many people for sound check so we were so close! When Shawn came out it was the best thing ever! He played 3 songs for us, including Stitches, Kid in Love, and Life of the Party. It was amazing and he sounded perfect.
After he played us those songs he told us "alright guys ill be right back and well take some pics!" I wanted to cry and i couldn't think straight! So jess and i got in line and we couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear. As the line got shorter my heart started pounding louder and faster. And then jess and i got to the front and i went first. I went up to him and said "hiiiiiii!" while i was hugging him so tight. The only thing that was disappointing is that it went so quick... I literally dont remember meeting him but all i know is he smelled good and he said hi back and that is all that matters. We also got posters that shawn signed and i cried (not really, just internally).
After that, we went back up and waited until it was ready for the opening act. We got third row and we were right in front of the mic. We had to stand in wait around 30 min for the opening act, Jacquie Lee. Before the concert i had never heard of her, but omg her music and voice was INCREDIBLE! She sang some covers and one original. I loved her sound but i honestly couldnt wait until shawn came out again!
When Shawn came out everyone was freaking out, including myself. He sounded so beautiful and gorgeous and he is an amazing human being. During "A Little Too Much" he gave a speech to encourage others and explain to everyone that even when you feel like the world i s on your shoulders that itll all get better and that you arent alone. I almost started crying because ive been going through a lot lately and that really inspired me and made me feel 200% better.
When the concert was over jess and i were both so sad... We wanted to relive it over and over again and we had major concert depression (i still kinda have it). So after we left we were so tired, but most of all starving! We hadnt eaten since 10:30 and it was around 6:30. So, on the drive back home we were on the lookout for restaurants, but nothing popped up... so when we got closer to home we decided on the pizza cottage and got a large pizza to split.
I have never been happier about a concert (other than t-swizzle) but i hope you enjoyed this blog and i hope you consider looking up shawn mendes and his music. You wont regret it, i promise you that. Also i hope you know that no matter what you are going through it will get better and that life is good.
If you want to see some videos of shawn my twitter is @mspook11 and my vine is https://vine.co/u/938599247861940224
- i dont know
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