Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Summer Must Haves!

Hey guys, so i know ive been doing a lot of book reviews recently so i thought id switch it up, because summer is right around the corner!

I know some schools are already out and summer has already begun for you, BUT for me im still in school and im still trying to plan for the summer!

For today i think everyone has summer must haves, whether itd be a vacation or a tangible item to always have with you. For me, its both and thats what im sharing with you today: MY SUMMER MUST HAVES!!

1. Friends: without these how are you going to have the best summer ever?!? Theyre the best people to create memories with, trust me! Heres some of my favorite memories of the past summers :)

2. Good Music: without music whats going to be your next summer jam? I really do believe that each summer there is one song that you listen to over and over and over again and eventually it becomes your summer song. Honestly, i have no clue what my summer song is going to be? Whats yours? Leave them in the comments!

3. A Hotspot: by this i mean somewhere you can go to just relax and chill, whether that be your bedroom, in the air conditioning or outside in your backyard. I know i love to go somewhere by myself just to get away for awhile.

4. Good Food: this is a big one for me because i looooove food. Cookouts are amazing in the summer with such good food. A definite must have for me!

5. Cute clothes: you gotta look cute when you live up the summer. With all the instagram posts you always have to be in your best attire, especially if you are trying to impress a summer love ;)

6. A Good Book: for us nerds out there we always like to read no matter what season! So keep a look out for some good reads!

7. Bonfires!! I love the smell of fires and cooking food over the fire (it tastes better). This is a must have for me, it gives me the summer feel.

8. Vacation time: if you are privileged to go anywhere, take the advantage! Itll be a fun experience that might even make your summer. Im going to Maine this summer with my family and i cant wait! Ill make sure to blog about it :)

9. A pool: without a pool how are you gonna stay cool?


10. FUN: if you dont have fun in the summer, was it really even summer? Forget about the worries about the future and whats next. My advice is to definitely live in the moment this summer. I know especially for me ill be going off to college the following summer so i wanna live it up now!

Anyway guys, thats my summer must haves and i really hope you do live up your summer!

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