First of all, I love the cover of this book and the way it is organized. It has a jelly fish on the cover and the poems are split into sections based on what they are about. For example, "If you need a reason to stay" or "If you need encouragement." Super cute! They were accompanied by uniquely drawn jellyfish that related to each section title. It was quite adorable.
As for the content of the book itself it was just as good. Each poem hits a different part of yourself. It makes you think deeper. I love how you can pick up the book, go to the section you relate to and find something that works for you and how you're feeling in that moment. It is beautifully written with so much love and hard work. I really appreciate this type of writing because I would love to have a book of my own similar to this one day.
I'm very happy to recommend this fabulous book to all you readers. It is for all ages and all feelings. I loved it, definitely one of the better poetry books of the ones I've read. It has been the book that has inspired me to write again, so maybe after you read it, it can inspire you in some way. :)
Favorite Poems, I had a lot, but I'll share a few: