Hey you guys so I have been MIA since new years. School has started back up and I just haven't had the time to sit down and write. Ayway, no more excuses I have another book for ya! This one is an interesting one too. A twist on an old story: "Dorothy Must Die" by Danielle Paige.
YOU GUYS. This book was amazing. I swear to you this is how it goes; I walk into Barnes and Noble not needing one thing and just start searching around. Then I see this book and the title jumped at me. I have read some of the Wizard of Oz books and I've seen the movie so what is this about? So I read the back and it was intriguing. It said that Amy Gumm is the other girl from Kansas who is swept away to OZ by a tornado (figures...) and the people start to people she is the one to save OZ from Dorothy who is now evil.
Literally it is about the story the Wizard of OZ but totally redone! It is set in the time where Dorothy came back to OZ once she saved in from the wicked witch of the west. Dorothy fell in love with magic and became an evil tyrant so she can have all of it to herself, even Glinda the good witch is with her and the scarecrow, tinman, and lion! They have all turned bad even little toto. It is crazy so Amy is recruited to help the Wicked Order KILL DOROTHY! THEY WANT TO KILL HER YOU GUYS!
The beginning of this book is slow because it is mostly backstory but once the action begins I couldn't put this down. Now when I bought it I did not know it was a series, but now I do and because it is so good I am forced to read the 3 sequels, "The Wicked Will Rise," "The Yellow Brick War," and "The End of Oz." I am very excited to continue on with this story, it is a keeper.
I think if you know the story of the Wizard of Oz you'd like this. It is a creative and different take on what seemed to be a happily ever after. It is pure genius and I give props to Danielle. READ IT!
Favorite Character: There is sooo many good characters. I love Amy of course because of her gumption and bravery. I love Indigo because she is sassy and doesn't take anyboy's shit. I love Nox because he is power yet sweet and I love Star her pet rat just cause.
Favorite Quotes: "She looked so sad. It was the worst kind of sad, too -- the kind where you're sad about something that you know will never change. The kind of sad you can't even bother getting angry about anymore."
"No one does anything because it's the right thing."
"Now it was clear: I had nothing except for myself. No matter what happened, it would always be that way."
"You are not where you are from."
"It's your choice. It's not magic that makes you who you are. It's the choices you make."
"It always wants to be something different from what it already is. Now that made sense to me. It reminded me of myself."
"What's underneath is everything.... Beauty has its own kind of magic. And the appearance of something can have power, too."
"The ends do not make it okay."
"Maybe you haven't look around in my head enough. There are no good places."
"I can imagine a lot of things. That doesn't mean they're possible."
"Those who have sacrificed always have the most to lose."
"No matter how tough you think you are, there are certain things that just get to you, and they're usually the little things. The ones you don't expect."
"Haven't you learned by now that the real story is not always the whole story?"