2015 has been one of the most difficult years of my life & I'm only 17 years old. Now that might be a big statement but it doesn't make it any less true. I have gone through a lot of rough patches this year but i try to learn from them and move forward, because isnt that what a new year for? Its for new beginnings and the start of something changing.
Now dont get me wrong i like that people set goals each year and try to achieve them. These are also known as new years resolutions but i have never been a big fan of them myself. Im never usually the one to make up goals to try to accomplish before the next year arrives, it almost seems too stressful and its a big commitment. However, everything in my life needs a change or a redo in my life and im ready. So this year i decided on 5 new years resolutions that i will work on throughout 2016 as a start to the rebuild of who i want to be. So heres to new beginnings:
1. My first resolution is to learn how to control my temper. My personality comes with a fuse box. Meaning its not very hard to get on my nerves, but this year i want to make it harder. I want to control my annoyance level for others. I want to learn to tolerate and build up my kindness towards strangers and friends.
2. My second goal is to write more. This year i have begun to realize i love to write and im finally sharing it with more and more people. Although, my writing is out there i want to share it even more! I want to write more whether it would be a blog post, a poem, or a whole novel. Heck i just want to get my pencil or pen to paper more often than i have this past year.
3. Learn to give back. I really have been sick this year and i really want to start giving back to those who help me so much in difficult times. This coming year im going to begin appreciating more and more the people that sacrifice and do the special things for me. Without those people i wouldnt be i am today and they need to be recognized for their amazingness.
4. Stress Less. This is going to become my new motto of 2016 because my stress level has been the highest this year its ever been. I really want to learn how to relax or maybe do yoga or something that makes me stress less. I just want to be able to balance school, volunteering, work, family, and friends without crying every second of the day. It is a lot but i want to get better at letting the little things go and to leave stress out the door!
5. Last but not least, to live a little more. This kinda goes with number 4 because to accomplish this i have to live a little more stress free. This goal mostly means to take risks and make the most adventures i can this coming year. I just want to keep making the next years fun. I want to be able to look back and say this was the best year of my life.
However, when i say that i want to continue to say it after every year passes. Every year needs to surpass the last year in some way or im living life the wrong way. We are supposed to move forward and not to move backwards.
Im hoping that 2016 brings something new to my life. Im ready for a change in ways i least expect it. With me going to college in the fall im waiting for my new life to begin. Im excited for what the year will bring. I made so many mistakes this past year and the new year will help me move past those mistakes and itll be time to make new ones!
Im very excited for the new year and dont worry guys i wrote down my new years resolutions so after the year is over ill make sure to let you know if i accomplished them all or not. I hope that your 2015 was the best year of your life and that this coming year makes you say the same thing because thats what its all about isnt it? Making each year the best no matter what :)
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Thursday, December 24, 2015
C2C 3: EVE!
Merry Christmas Eve to all! I hope you all are having a great Christmas Eve and that Santa will bring you everything you asked for.
As of now I'm with my family and I'm pretty happy to be with them. I'm totally amazed of my family and how great and special they are to me. They mean so much to me.
For today's count down to Christmas I wanted to tell you guys my favorite things to do around Christmas!
1. Be with family: I love my family and being with them makes my Christmas.
2. Making cookies: cookies are one of my favorite types of desserts and I'm obsessed so I love to make all different types. My favorite to make around the holidays though is snicker doodle :)
3. Opening presents: this is so basic but I love the giving part of Christmas and seeing friends and family opening gifts I give them. It's just gives me joy.
I love Christmas it is one of my favorite holidays and all it brings to my life. I haven't had the best past months and the fact that it's Christmas and I can be around my biggest supporters is my favorite thing. Merry Christmas to everyone. I love you all and I hope you all have the best holidays!!!
Sunday, December 20, 2015
What's On my Book Shelf?!!?
Guys I know I know another book... But I read this is 2 days because it was super good. It's called "Through to You" by Lauren Barnholdt. I've read more of her books and theyre just so lighthearted and great little reads. However, they are mostly romance so if you don't like love I wouldn't suggest them. But if you are like me and happen to LOVE those types of books I would suggest you pick this one up or any of her books.
Now this one has the cutest little story line about a bad boy falling in love with a good girl that might be too good for him. It's actually goals in multiple ways. It's the story of Harper & Penn which are perfect names just saying. They are an adorable love story even though they go through so many fights and intense moments.
If i were you i would go and pick up this book. Its such a light hearted story that you can finish in such a small amount of time. Its an amazing book for especially young adults.
If i were you i would go and pick up this book. Its such a light hearted story that you can finish in such a small amount of time. Its an amazing book for especially young adults.
FAVORITE CHARACTER: I love Penn. however, I'm always a sucker for the boy in the story because they make him SO desirable. He acts so cute even though he is kinda a bad boy. I would love to have a boy in my life like Penn let me tell ya.
Favorite Quotes: "Whats the point of even graduating? Im probably going to end up at some shitty job making shitty money."
"Because sometimes you have to take chances, no matter what you might risk losing"
"I dont understand why everyone cant just leave me alone, why people wont just give up on me when ive obviously given up on myself."
"Ive been walking around so numb for so long that its kind of reassuring to know that i can actually feel something again."
"Because sometimes you have to take chances, no matter what you might risk losing"
"I dont understand why everyone cant just leave me alone, why people wont just give up on me when ive obviously given up on myself."
"Ive been walking around so numb for so long that its kind of reassuring to know that i can actually feel something again."
Thursday, December 17, 2015
What's on my book shelf?!?
hey everyone I just finished a new book! It is the second book to the 5th wave series that I talked about earlier! It's called "The infinite Sea" Honestly guys this book is so good. This 5th wave thing might become one of my favorite series and long as the third book has a good ending. However, the third one doesn't come out till May of 2016 so I have to wait like 6 months to know what happens to any of my characters. Kinda upset but also I can't do anything about it.
Anyway about the infinite sea. This book had even more action then the first and trust me that means this book is action packed because the first one had some pretty action like things. I mean they're trying to survive every second of every day how could it not have action ya know? Anyway, the infinite sea was so good I kinda liked it better than the first just because I got to know all the answers to my questions I pondered in the first book. Also this one had a character I liked a lot and one story line that was particularly intense and inviting.
This author writes in a different format than others. He spaces his books out in sections. And when a new section comes it's a new persons point of view which I enjoy because I get to know every characters prespective on that situation. I think it's a pretty neat way of letting the reader into every characters personal reactions and lives within the novel.
Anyway about the infinite sea. This book had even more action then the first and trust me that means this book is action packed because the first one had some pretty action like things. I mean they're trying to survive every second of every day how could it not have action ya know? Anyway, the infinite sea was so good I kinda liked it better than the first just because I got to know all the answers to my questions I pondered in the first book. Also this one had a character I liked a lot and one story line that was particularly intense and inviting.
This author writes in a different format than others. He spaces his books out in sections. And when a new section comes it's a new persons point of view which I enjoy because I get to know every characters prespective on that situation. I think it's a pretty neat way of letting the reader into every characters personal reactions and lives within the novel.
FAVORITE CHARACTER: Okay guys I realized that in the first book I never said my favorite character... But honestly I had none. However, for the second I do. Her name is Ringer. She is badass that's all I have to say. Also I like the Razor chatacter he is so funny and actually surprisingly nice. I love him even though he might be the enemy... Yikes
Favorite quotes: "when you look death in the eye and death blinks first, nothing seems impossible"
"Pinning for things we lost is the same as hoping for things that can never be. Both roads dead-end and despair."
"you can't choose the time. The time chooses you."
"get ready, because when you crush the humanity out of humans, you're left with humans with no humanity."
"sometimes you're in the wrong place at the wrong time and what happens is nobody's fault"
"Amazing. It isnt that the lies are too beautiful to resist. It's that the truth is too hideous to face"
"no more brave fronts or false hopes or pretending everything is OK when nothing is"
"never noticed all the crap in the world until there was nobody left to pick it up"
"some things, down to the smallest of things, are worth the sum of all things"
"Because love is irrational, it doesn't follow rules. Not even its own rules. Love is the one thing in the universe that's unpredictable"
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
12 days of finals..
C2C #2 underway with the treacherous topic of finals.. If you didn't know I'm a senior in high school and this is my last round of finals of the year. I'm literally terrified because I've very very VERY unprepared friends.
However, I have tips for you friends that might help you out of taking your finals, especially if it's your first!
Tip 1: STUDY STUDY STUDY. This tip may sound so obvious but people don't do it. I don't care how lazy you are, pick up a review guide and your book and study!!!
Tip 2: TAKE BREAKS! This is the biggest help for me because my brain would explode if I didn't take at least a 15 minute break from cramming information into my brain.
Tip 3: MAKE STUDY GUIDES. Studies show that writing information down makes you remember it more! So get to writing my friends!
Tip 4: PROCRASTINATION IS DEATH. Do not do it people. It will hurt you in the end because you will be so unprepared!
Tip 5: SLEEP. If I had one top tip it would be this. Take care of yourself before you worry about any test. Get plenty of rest and don't stay up to cram more information in your head! It's just not a good idea.
Well I'm only 17 and I can only give you as many tips as I've learned so that's it friends. I hope you conquer your finals and finally are able to enjoy the happy holiday season that is Christmas! Much love to all xoxo -idontknow
Saturday, December 12, 2015
C2C: Day 1🎄
Hello everyone!!! As you can probably tell by the holly jolly spirit of the world, Christmas is on its way and sprinting towards us. We only have about 12 days left till the grand day of giving. So I thought for this blog I'd do a little countdown series!!! That's what the C2C stands for! Now I'm not sure if I'll blog everyday till Christmas but I definitely will try every other day or every other 2 days. Either way get pumped because CHRISTMAS!!!

For today's first blog I thought I would give you some of this things I have on my wish list this year. It's the things I'm hoping to get when I unwrap my gifts Christmas morning. Let's go!
1. A go pro. If you aren't sure what they are they are tiny cameras that you can take anywhere my strapping them on your body. They are mostly used during adventures like skydiving, anything underwater, mountain biking, etc. and I would make some cool stuff with that camera.
2. A heated blanket. Around this time I wake up as an icicle so I really want this heated blanket to keep me toasty warm all through winter.
3. CANDLES. As you all know I love me some good scented candles so I'm all about getting some new scents this year. Especially with bath and body works new Christmas collection out! Eep
4. Books. Now this blog is a book nerds dream and i dream of getting more to share with you lovelies. So in reality it's a win for me and you guys.
& 5. Anything for the heart. Now I'm a crafty human and I love it people get crafty for me. It's just a fun project for the giver and a fun gift for the receiver. I just love things I would never expect.
Now for today's post I have a video for you guys! I made a Christmas video of you guys wanna check it out here: https://youtu.be/gWgKWTucFco
Now that the holidays are vastly approaching let me know what's at the top of your wish list! And I'll see ya guys in a couple of days, be jolly y'all! Much love xoxo -idontknow
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