2015 has been one of the most difficult years of my life & I'm only 17 years old. Now that might be a big statement but it doesn't make it any less true. I have gone through a lot of rough patches this year but i try to learn from them and move forward, because isnt that what a new year for? Its for new beginnings and the start of something changing.
Now dont get me wrong i like that people set goals each year and try to achieve them. These are also known as new years resolutions but i have never been a big fan of them myself. Im never usually the one to make up goals to try to accomplish before the next year arrives, it almost seems too stressful and its a big commitment. However, everything in my life needs a change or a redo in my life and im ready. So this year i decided on 5 new years resolutions that i will work on throughout 2016 as a start to the rebuild of who i want to be. So heres to new beginnings:
1. My first resolution is to learn how to control my temper. My personality comes with a fuse box. Meaning its not very hard to get on my nerves, but this year i want to make it harder. I want to control my annoyance level for others. I want to learn to tolerate and build up my kindness towards strangers and friends.
2. My second goal is to write more. This year i have begun to realize i love to write and im finally sharing it with more and more people. Although, my writing is out there i want to share it even more! I want to write more whether it would be a blog post, a poem, or a whole novel. Heck i just want to get my pencil or pen to paper more often than i have this past year.
3. Learn to give back. I really have been sick this year and i really want to start giving back to those who help me so much in difficult times. This coming year im going to begin appreciating more and more the people that sacrifice and do the special things for me. Without those people i wouldnt be i am today and they need to be recognized for their amazingness.
4. Stress Less. This is going to become my new motto of 2016 because my stress level has been the highest this year its ever been. I really want to learn how to relax or maybe do yoga or something that makes me stress less. I just want to be able to balance school, volunteering, work, family, and friends without crying every second of the day. It is a lot but i want to get better at letting the little things go and to leave stress out the door!
5. Last but not least, to live a little more. This kinda goes with number 4 because to accomplish this i have to live a little more stress free. This goal mostly means to take risks and make the most adventures i can this coming year. I just want to keep making the next years fun. I want to be able to look back and say this was the best year of my life.
However, when i say that i want to continue to say it after every year passes. Every year needs to surpass the last year in some way or im living life the wrong way. We are supposed to move forward and not to move backwards.
Im hoping that 2016 brings something new to my life. Im ready for a change in ways i least expect it. With me going to college in the fall im waiting for my new life to begin. Im excited for what the year will bring. I made so many mistakes this past year and the new year will help me move past those mistakes and itll be time to make new ones!
Im very excited for the new year and dont worry guys i wrote down my new years resolutions so after the year is over ill make sure to let you know if i accomplished them all or not. I hope that your 2015 was the best year of your life and that this coming year makes you say the same thing because thats what its all about isnt it? Making each year the best no matter what :)
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Thursday, December 24, 2015
C2C 3: EVE!
Merry Christmas Eve to all! I hope you all are having a great Christmas Eve and that Santa will bring you everything you asked for.
As of now I'm with my family and I'm pretty happy to be with them. I'm totally amazed of my family and how great and special they are to me. They mean so much to me.
For today's count down to Christmas I wanted to tell you guys my favorite things to do around Christmas!
1. Be with family: I love my family and being with them makes my Christmas.
2. Making cookies: cookies are one of my favorite types of desserts and I'm obsessed so I love to make all different types. My favorite to make around the holidays though is snicker doodle :)
3. Opening presents: this is so basic but I love the giving part of Christmas and seeing friends and family opening gifts I give them. It's just gives me joy.
I love Christmas it is one of my favorite holidays and all it brings to my life. I haven't had the best past months and the fact that it's Christmas and I can be around my biggest supporters is my favorite thing. Merry Christmas to everyone. I love you all and I hope you all have the best holidays!!!
Sunday, December 20, 2015
What's On my Book Shelf?!!?
Guys I know I know another book... But I read this is 2 days because it was super good. It's called "Through to You" by Lauren Barnholdt. I've read more of her books and theyre just so lighthearted and great little reads. However, they are mostly romance so if you don't like love I wouldn't suggest them. But if you are like me and happen to LOVE those types of books I would suggest you pick this one up or any of her books.
Now this one has the cutest little story line about a bad boy falling in love with a good girl that might be too good for him. It's actually goals in multiple ways. It's the story of Harper & Penn which are perfect names just saying. They are an adorable love story even though they go through so many fights and intense moments.
If i were you i would go and pick up this book. Its such a light hearted story that you can finish in such a small amount of time. Its an amazing book for especially young adults.
If i were you i would go and pick up this book. Its such a light hearted story that you can finish in such a small amount of time. Its an amazing book for especially young adults.
FAVORITE CHARACTER: I love Penn. however, I'm always a sucker for the boy in the story because they make him SO desirable. He acts so cute even though he is kinda a bad boy. I would love to have a boy in my life like Penn let me tell ya.
Favorite Quotes: "Whats the point of even graduating? Im probably going to end up at some shitty job making shitty money."
"Because sometimes you have to take chances, no matter what you might risk losing"
"I dont understand why everyone cant just leave me alone, why people wont just give up on me when ive obviously given up on myself."
"Ive been walking around so numb for so long that its kind of reassuring to know that i can actually feel something again."
"Because sometimes you have to take chances, no matter what you might risk losing"
"I dont understand why everyone cant just leave me alone, why people wont just give up on me when ive obviously given up on myself."
"Ive been walking around so numb for so long that its kind of reassuring to know that i can actually feel something again."
Thursday, December 17, 2015
What's on my book shelf?!?
hey everyone I just finished a new book! It is the second book to the 5th wave series that I talked about earlier! It's called "The infinite Sea" Honestly guys this book is so good. This 5th wave thing might become one of my favorite series and long as the third book has a good ending. However, the third one doesn't come out till May of 2016 so I have to wait like 6 months to know what happens to any of my characters. Kinda upset but also I can't do anything about it.
Anyway about the infinite sea. This book had even more action then the first and trust me that means this book is action packed because the first one had some pretty action like things. I mean they're trying to survive every second of every day how could it not have action ya know? Anyway, the infinite sea was so good I kinda liked it better than the first just because I got to know all the answers to my questions I pondered in the first book. Also this one had a character I liked a lot and one story line that was particularly intense and inviting.
This author writes in a different format than others. He spaces his books out in sections. And when a new section comes it's a new persons point of view which I enjoy because I get to know every characters prespective on that situation. I think it's a pretty neat way of letting the reader into every characters personal reactions and lives within the novel.
Anyway about the infinite sea. This book had even more action then the first and trust me that means this book is action packed because the first one had some pretty action like things. I mean they're trying to survive every second of every day how could it not have action ya know? Anyway, the infinite sea was so good I kinda liked it better than the first just because I got to know all the answers to my questions I pondered in the first book. Also this one had a character I liked a lot and one story line that was particularly intense and inviting.
This author writes in a different format than others. He spaces his books out in sections. And when a new section comes it's a new persons point of view which I enjoy because I get to know every characters prespective on that situation. I think it's a pretty neat way of letting the reader into every characters personal reactions and lives within the novel.
FAVORITE CHARACTER: Okay guys I realized that in the first book I never said my favorite character... But honestly I had none. However, for the second I do. Her name is Ringer. She is badass that's all I have to say. Also I like the Razor chatacter he is so funny and actually surprisingly nice. I love him even though he might be the enemy... Yikes
Favorite quotes: "when you look death in the eye and death blinks first, nothing seems impossible"
"Pinning for things we lost is the same as hoping for things that can never be. Both roads dead-end and despair."
"you can't choose the time. The time chooses you."
"get ready, because when you crush the humanity out of humans, you're left with humans with no humanity."
"sometimes you're in the wrong place at the wrong time and what happens is nobody's fault"
"Amazing. It isnt that the lies are too beautiful to resist. It's that the truth is too hideous to face"
"no more brave fronts or false hopes or pretending everything is OK when nothing is"
"never noticed all the crap in the world until there was nobody left to pick it up"
"some things, down to the smallest of things, are worth the sum of all things"
"Because love is irrational, it doesn't follow rules. Not even its own rules. Love is the one thing in the universe that's unpredictable"
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
12 days of finals..
C2C #2 underway with the treacherous topic of finals.. If you didn't know I'm a senior in high school and this is my last round of finals of the year. I'm literally terrified because I've very very VERY unprepared friends.
However, I have tips for you friends that might help you out of taking your finals, especially if it's your first!
Tip 1: STUDY STUDY STUDY. This tip may sound so obvious but people don't do it. I don't care how lazy you are, pick up a review guide and your book and study!!!
Tip 2: TAKE BREAKS! This is the biggest help for me because my brain would explode if I didn't take at least a 15 minute break from cramming information into my brain.
Tip 3: MAKE STUDY GUIDES. Studies show that writing information down makes you remember it more! So get to writing my friends!
Tip 4: PROCRASTINATION IS DEATH. Do not do it people. It will hurt you in the end because you will be so unprepared!
Tip 5: SLEEP. If I had one top tip it would be this. Take care of yourself before you worry about any test. Get plenty of rest and don't stay up to cram more information in your head! It's just not a good idea.
Well I'm only 17 and I can only give you as many tips as I've learned so that's it friends. I hope you conquer your finals and finally are able to enjoy the happy holiday season that is Christmas! Much love to all xoxo -idontknow
Saturday, December 12, 2015
C2C: Day 1🎄
Hello everyone!!! As you can probably tell by the holly jolly spirit of the world, Christmas is on its way and sprinting towards us. We only have about 12 days left till the grand day of giving. So I thought for this blog I'd do a little countdown series!!! That's what the C2C stands for! Now I'm not sure if I'll blog everyday till Christmas but I definitely will try every other day or every other 2 days. Either way get pumped because CHRISTMAS!!!

For today's first blog I thought I would give you some of this things I have on my wish list this year. It's the things I'm hoping to get when I unwrap my gifts Christmas morning. Let's go!
1. A go pro. If you aren't sure what they are they are tiny cameras that you can take anywhere my strapping them on your body. They are mostly used during adventures like skydiving, anything underwater, mountain biking, etc. and I would make some cool stuff with that camera.
2. A heated blanket. Around this time I wake up as an icicle so I really want this heated blanket to keep me toasty warm all through winter.
3. CANDLES. As you all know I love me some good scented candles so I'm all about getting some new scents this year. Especially with bath and body works new Christmas collection out! Eep
4. Books. Now this blog is a book nerds dream and i dream of getting more to share with you lovelies. So in reality it's a win for me and you guys.
& 5. Anything for the heart. Now I'm a crafty human and I love it people get crafty for me. It's just a fun project for the giver and a fun gift for the receiver. I just love things I would never expect.
Now for today's post I have a video for you guys! I made a Christmas video of you guys wanna check it out here: https://youtu.be/gWgKWTucFco
Now that the holidays are vastly approaching let me know what's at the top of your wish list! And I'll see ya guys in a couple of days, be jolly y'all! Much love xoxo -idontknow
Monday, November 30, 2015
November Favorites!
I CANT BELIEVE ITS ALREADY DECEMBER! November flew by, like i blinked and november was over! December is now beginning and that is the start of Christmas, which i love, but also the start of stressful mid terms. However, im trying to not let the stress of school knock me out of the jolly christmas spirit.
ANYWAY, this post today is my November favorites, the things i was digging this past month. Before i start i have a limited amount of categories for you all and i think i tell you guys this every time, but more ideas would be appreciative! Tweet me ideas @mspook11 on Twitter! Now lets begin.
Favorite Clothing Item: I just went shopping recently and bought a bunch of new cute items that were all 40% off! WHAT A STEAL! However, i havent had a chance to make them favs yet, so im choosing my brown leathery jacket from target. It is the perfect jacket for those fall days when you are in the middle of hot and cold. Its got a cute gray detachable hood that can keep you super warm!
Favorite Random Item: Guys im still sick. Sick since September so i gotta go with my bed on this one. Ive been spending a lot of time with it recently as my sickness stays with me so it has to be a favorite. It keeps me cozy and safe at night.
Favorite Food: i dont know if this is a new category but im adding it in here! Since ive been sick, soup is my thang! I love a good, hot bowl of chicken noodle soup. Not only does it warm me up but it tastes delicious.
Favorite Book: Im going with my most recent read, the 5th wave. It was intense, gripping, romantic, captivating, and everything in between. Its a book that i would recommend 10 times outta 10 so read it!!!
Favorite Song: I. HAVE, NO. CLUE. This is a tough choice. There has been a lot of good music out recently with JB and his album and Adele and hers. Also my boy Shawn Mendes dropped some new tracks that ive also been loving. So in conclusion music killed it this month, so hard that their all my favorites. Congratulations artists youve all won my heart.
Favorite Scent: CANDLES CANDLES CANDLES. If you ever want to know what to buy me for christmas, its candles, especially holiday scents. This month ive been burning Vanilla Bean Marshmallow and it just smells like heaven, there's really no explanation other than that.
ANYWAY, this post today is my November favorites, the things i was digging this past month. Before i start i have a limited amount of categories for you all and i think i tell you guys this every time, but more ideas would be appreciative! Tweet me ideas @mspook11 on Twitter! Now lets begin.
Favorite Clothing Item: I just went shopping recently and bought a bunch of new cute items that were all 40% off! WHAT A STEAL! However, i havent had a chance to make them favs yet, so im choosing my brown leathery jacket from target. It is the perfect jacket for those fall days when you are in the middle of hot and cold. Its got a cute gray detachable hood that can keep you super warm!
Favorite Random Item: Guys im still sick. Sick since September so i gotta go with my bed on this one. Ive been spending a lot of time with it recently as my sickness stays with me so it has to be a favorite. It keeps me cozy and safe at night.
Favorite Food: i dont know if this is a new category but im adding it in here! Since ive been sick, soup is my thang! I love a good, hot bowl of chicken noodle soup. Not only does it warm me up but it tastes delicious.
Favorite Book: Im going with my most recent read, the 5th wave. It was intense, gripping, romantic, captivating, and everything in between. Its a book that i would recommend 10 times outta 10 so read it!!!
Favorite Song: I. HAVE, NO. CLUE. This is a tough choice. There has been a lot of good music out recently with JB and his album and Adele and hers. Also my boy Shawn Mendes dropped some new tracks that ive also been loving. So in conclusion music killed it this month, so hard that their all my favorites. Congratulations artists youve all won my heart.
Favorite Scent: CANDLES CANDLES CANDLES. If you ever want to know what to buy me for christmas, its candles, especially holiday scents. This month ive been burning Vanilla Bean Marshmallow and it just smells like heaven, there's really no explanation other than that.
Favorite Event: Alright my sickness has made me the BIGGEST home body so i didnt do much this month other than thanksgiving with family. SO my favorite event was going up to visit family over the holiday break. We ate some good food and got to see family i havent see in awhile it was nice. It makes me excited to see them again during christmas :)
Favorite Movie/Tv Show: again home body, so no going to see any movies. IF i wouldve gone out im sure my favorite wouldve been the new hunger games movie but i havent been able to get my lazy butt out to the theater to see it yet. Over christmas break ill probably brace the cold to go see it but for now im going to throw it back to a classic i watched this month called Tangled. If you havent seen this movie shame on you. Its one of my favorite disney movies BY FAR,
Favorite Writing: Not much this month guys but heres something :)
"Bright Lights
Reminding me of the big city
Of places ive never seen and sounds
Ive never heard
Blinding Lights
Danger danger watch out
Moving so quickly that blinking is
almost too slow
Blaring Lights
Giving out signs of safety
Sounds ringing out that say "Im
Bold Lights
That shine towards the victim
Tears. So many tears
The lights reflect them and they ask
whats wrong?
Battle Lights
The officer asks me again
I answer "I couldnt save her from the lights."
ALRIGHT NOW THAT THE SAPPINESS IS OVER! Thats all i have for this months favorites and i will say the categories have expanded and for that i am proud. Also i just want to thank you all for reading my little blog that is floating around the internet i appreciate it more than you know! Now have a wonderful, snow-filled december! Build a snowman and pass your exams! I believe in you! :) HAPPY HOLIDAYS MY BEAUTIES!!
Favorite Writing: Not much this month guys but heres something :)
"Bright Lights
Reminding me of the big city
Of places ive never seen and sounds
Ive never heard
Blinding Lights
Danger danger watch out
Moving so quickly that blinking is
almost too slow
Blaring Lights
Giving out signs of safety
Sounds ringing out that say "Im
Bold Lights
That shine towards the victim
Tears. So many tears
The lights reflect them and they ask
whats wrong?
Battle Lights
The officer asks me again
I answer "I couldnt save her from the lights."
ALRIGHT NOW THAT THE SAPPINESS IS OVER! Thats all i have for this months favorites and i will say the categories have expanded and for that i am proud. Also i just want to thank you all for reading my little blog that is floating around the internet i appreciate it more than you know! Now have a wonderful, snow-filled december! Build a snowman and pass your exams! I believe in you! :) HAPPY HOLIDAYS MY BEAUTIES!!
Saturday, November 28, 2015
What's On My Book Shelf..?
Hello one and all. Today's book is a dystopian novel that is becoming a movie this coming January!!! So if you are like me and like to read books before the movie you better pick this up ASAP! It is "The 5th Wave" by Rick Yancey.
This is such a good read guys! It's basically about the end of the world. Another form called 'the others' are sending bad things in waves. 1st-4th wave had already happened and killed billions of people! And Cassie, who is the main character, believes she is the only person left on earth and she tries to survive. Also she has to figure out what the 5th wave is and how to save her brother... If he's even alive.
It is an intense book that keeps you on your toes. So if you are looking for a good read, it's a good choice. I recommend 10/10. AND GUYS ITS A SERIES, which excites me!!! I have the second one and am starting that now and the third is coming out May 2016. Everyone get pumped the movie is soon. I'm super excited and you should go out and read it so you can be too :)
Favorite quotes: "The Cassie who was coming to terms with the painful fact that she was just okay."
"It's hard to plan for what comes next when what comes next is not something you planned for."
"Dying isn't so different from that. You don't feel like it's going to happen to you... Until it happens to you."
"Who cares what she was when what she is now is dead?"
"If the enemy looks just like you, how do you fight him?"
"When you love someone. Something happens to them, and it's a punch in the heart. Not like a punch in the heart; a real punch in the heart."
"To hold on you have to find something you're willing to die for."
"Lies are complicated. The truth is simple."
"When the moment comes to stop running from your past, to turn around and face the thing you thought you could not face-- the moment when your life teeters between giving up and getting up-- when that moment comes, and it always comes, if you can't get up and you can't give up, either, here's what you do: Crawl."
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Just a little something....
Hey guys I felt the need to post today. It's not that something excited happened to me or I made a huge breakthrough, I just feel the need to talk to someone.
I have not felt this way in a loooooong time. It's so weird and different. It's just constantly being distant from not only friends & family but life in general. Has anyone else felt this way? Like being disconnected from everything around you, even the thoughts in your head aren't connecting. It's a hard thing to feel because you don't know how to react to it. It's almost so emotionless that you can't feel it, if that makes sense. However, it makes me cry ya know? This "emotion" gets me so overwhelmed I can't help but cry.
I think there are factors to it. For example, stress with school, my jaw has been in pain, stress with work, etc. I just feel all those things making this feeling worse. Making it hard to focus and connect with anyone.
This may sound silly but I love to take pictures with my friends whether I see them for 5 minutes or 5 hours. There will probably be a photo in my camera roll of us together. However, recently that has stopped. I haven't taken anything like that in weeks because I feel almost seperate from the life their living. I don't know it's weird because I hear about things and what's going on but I decide to seperate myself from that event or that fun and my reasoning is "I'm tired", "it's cold" but for the most part I just feel like it's not necessary for me to go. Like I don't get that fun, exciting urge to do something anymore.
If parents, teachers, or friends read this and freak out, don't. I'm okay I just have felt a little disconnected from everything recently and it's not you. It really is just me not feeling myself. Plus all the stress I have been feeling affects this emotion even more. So don't worry, just maybe lay off the pressure a little ya know :)
So I know it's not my typical post but I feel as a blogger it was necessary for to express my emotions to people who read about my life.
Now here's something I wrote if you're interested to end this: I hope you guys have a great thanksgiving, be thankful for everything you have :)
"Stress is only a 6 letter word.
One word in the dictionary with one definition.
It's only one word.
Stress is one syllable.
One clap of the hands of kindergarteners learning what a syllable is.
One clap.
Stress is one obstacle.
One obstacle that consumes the life of so many people.
One thing that stands in the way of success & achievements.
One obstacle.
Tell me something, if stress is only one thing then why can it take over so many things?"
I have not felt this way in a loooooong time. It's so weird and different. It's just constantly being distant from not only friends & family but life in general. Has anyone else felt this way? Like being disconnected from everything around you, even the thoughts in your head aren't connecting. It's a hard thing to feel because you don't know how to react to it. It's almost so emotionless that you can't feel it, if that makes sense. However, it makes me cry ya know? This "emotion" gets me so overwhelmed I can't help but cry.
I think there are factors to it. For example, stress with school, my jaw has been in pain, stress with work, etc. I just feel all those things making this feeling worse. Making it hard to focus and connect with anyone.
This may sound silly but I love to take pictures with my friends whether I see them for 5 minutes or 5 hours. There will probably be a photo in my camera roll of us together. However, recently that has stopped. I haven't taken anything like that in weeks because I feel almost seperate from the life their living. I don't know it's weird because I hear about things and what's going on but I decide to seperate myself from that event or that fun and my reasoning is "I'm tired", "it's cold" but for the most part I just feel like it's not necessary for me to go. Like I don't get that fun, exciting urge to do something anymore.
If parents, teachers, or friends read this and freak out, don't. I'm okay I just have felt a little disconnected from everything recently and it's not you. It really is just me not feeling myself. Plus all the stress I have been feeling affects this emotion even more. So don't worry, just maybe lay off the pressure a little ya know :)
So I know it's not my typical post but I feel as a blogger it was necessary for to express my emotions to people who read about my life.
Now here's something I wrote if you're interested to end this: I hope you guys have a great thanksgiving, be thankful for everything you have :)
"Stress is only a 6 letter word.
One word in the dictionary with one definition.
It's only one word.
Stress is one syllable.
One clap of the hands of kindergarteners learning what a syllable is.
One clap.
Stress is one obstacle.
One obstacle that consumes the life of so many people.
One thing that stands in the way of success & achievements.
One obstacle.
Tell me something, if stress is only one thing then why can it take over so many things?"
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
What's On My Book Shelf...?
Okay so I know you have heard about me meeting Tyler Oakley. But now you are gonna hear me bask in the glory which his actually book.
Yes ladies and gents I have finished reading the contents of "Binge" & let me just say I binged the ish out of this book. I loved it. I may be biased because I love him but take my word for it because it was hilarious.
This book is funny with a touch and a dash of inspiration in every chapter. He teaches you something whether it be serious or not you are learning & that's why it's a great book.
This novel really shows his personality & all his heart. I love him with all my little heart too. Please if you haven't picked it up or if you have never even heard of Tyler Oakley before try something new and pick this book up! It's perfect even if he is a new face to you. It will get you inspired and his story will make you somewhat feel better about your life. Please tweet this blog post to Tyler if you can!
And if Tyler Oakley happens to read this hi I love you and you have inspired me for years now and I can't thank you enough. You have shown me what it truly means to be fearless and 100% you. You are the queen and bow down. :)
Favorite quotes: "no person, no matter how important society deems their relationship to you, has the right to denounce you for who you are."
"I never knew that love didn't hurt."
"I never knew that love didn't hurt."
Monday, November 2, 2015
October Favorites!
Hey another month has flown us by and now we're heading into the holiday seasons which I am so stoked about you don't even know!! Thanksgiving and Christmas is my favorite times of year and I can't help but get excited every time this year comes around. However, this is about October. October was a good month. Alothugh, I didn't do everything I wanted to do like go to a haunted house or jump in a pile of leaves, I did some pretty exciting stuff. So here are my favs for this month:
Favorite Book: I have read quite a few books this month, but I have to claim "We All Looked Up" as the winner. This book even though the ending was not my favorite the overall story and outline of the story was amazing. It really made me think about the end of the world and what I would do in that situation. It messed up my mind but made me super happy.
Favorite Song: "Hello" by Adele who is finally out of her hiding spot. Even though this has come out fairly recently at the end of October I'm counting in this months favorites because it surpassed all my other choices. If you have not heard this song I suggest you get your little butt on a music website like Youtube, spotify, iTunes, anything and listen to it because I'm obsessed and then youll be obsessed. It's an amazing song that is such an amazing song to jam out to, just saying ;)
Favorite Clothing Item: I'm not sure which thing to pick for this because I haven't really been shopping at all or like been stylish since the cold has forced me into a pair of sweatpants everyday. However, I ended up buying an Ohio Univeristys sweatshirt while I visited my brother for a weekend. It's a super cute, light green sweatshirt that just has 'Ohio University' on the front in white print. It's super super cute and sooooo comfy tbh.
Favorite Random Item: Im not sure what random item I loved this month. Probably my new jogger pants. They are sweatpants that get skinny towards the bottom. They are super comfy and I'm wearing them this very moment and that's why they are my favorite because I can wear them to school and not get demerits :) (also pictured above with the OU sweatshirt)
Favorite Event: many good things have happened in October such as visiting my brother and picking up pumpkins but ultimately the best thing that happened this month was meeting Tyler Oakley. He is one of my favorite Youtubers so of course meeting him was a big dream of mine. If you want to know if more detail on my crazy adventure during the meet up you can check out my previous post called "The Best 'Binge' Ever." The titles even a pun, I'm cool.
Favorite Movie/Tv Show: guys I'm really sad that I have not been able to go see any new movies or anything because I have zero time. I really wanna see the scorch trials and since school is suffocating I haven't been able to. So for this segment I'm picking a T.V show. The show is called "Once Upon A Time" that is currently on TV now and is on its 5th season. However, I am catching up on Netflix and currently on season 2. This show is based on fairy tales and makes them twisted. If you are into fairytales and very weird story lines this is a good show to start binge watching. Watch out though because season 5 is not on Netflix yet...
Favorite Book: I have read quite a few books this month, but I have to claim "We All Looked Up" as the winner. This book even though the ending was not my favorite the overall story and outline of the story was amazing. It really made me think about the end of the world and what I would do in that situation. It messed up my mind but made me super happy.
Favorite Song: "Hello" by Adele who is finally out of her hiding spot. Even though this has come out fairly recently at the end of October I'm counting in this months favorites because it surpassed all my other choices. If you have not heard this song I suggest you get your little butt on a music website like Youtube, spotify, iTunes, anything and listen to it because I'm obsessed and then youll be obsessed. It's an amazing song that is such an amazing song to jam out to, just saying ;)
Favorite Clothing Item: I'm not sure which thing to pick for this because I haven't really been shopping at all or like been stylish since the cold has forced me into a pair of sweatpants everyday. However, I ended up buying an Ohio Univeristys sweatshirt while I visited my brother for a weekend. It's a super cute, light green sweatshirt that just has 'Ohio University' on the front in white print. It's super super cute and sooooo comfy tbh.
Favorite Random Item: Im not sure what random item I loved this month. Probably my new jogger pants. They are sweatpants that get skinny towards the bottom. They are super comfy and I'm wearing them this very moment and that's why they are my favorite because I can wear them to school and not get demerits :) (also pictured above with the OU sweatshirt)
Favorite Event: many good things have happened in October such as visiting my brother and picking up pumpkins but ultimately the best thing that happened this month was meeting Tyler Oakley. He is one of my favorite Youtubers so of course meeting him was a big dream of mine. If you want to know if more detail on my crazy adventure during the meet up you can check out my previous post called "The Best 'Binge' Ever." The titles even a pun, I'm cool.
Favorite Movie/Tv Show: guys I'm really sad that I have not been able to go see any new movies or anything because I have zero time. I really wanna see the scorch trials and since school is suffocating I haven't been able to. So for this segment I'm picking a T.V show. The show is called "Once Upon A Time" that is currently on TV now and is on its 5th season. However, I am catching up on Netflix and currently on season 2. This show is based on fairy tales and makes them twisted. If you are into fairytales and very weird story lines this is a good show to start binge watching. Watch out though because season 5 is not on Netflix yet...
Favorite Writing: Guys new category! It's gonna include one of the pieces I have wrote this month that I feel like sharing with yall. This is the first one it's called "Ouch"
You guys this world is full of favorites I know you have them and my brain can not think of them all. I know there are other things I could have in these posts so please come up to me and yell at me to add something :) I will listen I promise. But if that's all I got this month it's all I got. I'll try to think of more categories before November hits. But for now, that's all.
Also if you celebrated Halloween like me let me know what you dressed up as! I was Viola Hastings from She's the Man but when she is her brother.
No words can explain the feeling of utter betrayal besides ouch.
Ouch is defined as "a word used to express pain"
A pain inside yourself. A feeling of getting your heart ripped out of your chest.
A word that can mean so little like a scratch or so much like a punch in the gut.
A word I never thought you would make me say but:
You guys this world is full of favorites I know you have them and my brain can not think of them all. I know there are other things I could have in these posts so please come up to me and yell at me to add something :) I will listen I promise. But if that's all I got this month it's all I got. I'll try to think of more categories before November hits. But for now, that's all.
Also if you celebrated Halloween like me let me know what you dressed up as! I was Viola Hastings from She's the Man but when she is her brother.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
What's on My Book Shelf...?
Hey guys every time I finish a new book I realize how much I love English and how much I hate math and science. Anyway, I finished a new book. It's called "We All Looked Up" by Tommy Wallach. This book is actually pretty new, it was published this year and it caught my eye in the local Barnes and Noble.
It is about the end of the world. Now I know what you might be thinking, that's terrifying and you're right. Its a scary concept. I mean it could happen ya know? A giant asteroid jetting toward the earth, very possible. That's exactly what this story is about. An asteroid is heading towards the planet and four kids must erase their labels they have been placed under and really live before well, they die. The story is so different and I think that's why it's so intriguing. I mean I hated the ending but overall loved the book. I just really wish the author wrapped up what happens in the end. It makes me sad but like whatcha gonna do?
Favorite Character: Honeslty, I'm not sure if I can pick. I like all of the characters in their own way. I like Peter because he was nice. He was sweet and took care of his sister. I liked Andy because he kept the book light hearted and kept the jokes rolling. I liked the fact the book still made me laugh. I liked Anita because she reminds me of myself, feeling so much pressure of school that you just kinda break down. I also like that she starts the break out of her shell throughout the story. But I also like Eliza because she knew who she wanted to be, a photographer. She was confident and sassy which I also liked. So in conclusion I have no favorite character but I have favorite qualities in each unique character.
Favorite quotes:"The best books, they don't talk about things you never thought about before. They talk about things you'd always thought about, but that you didn't think anyone else had thought about. You read them, and suddenly you're a little bit less alone in the world. You're part of this cosmic community of people who thought about this thing, whatever it happens to be."
It is about the end of the world. Now I know what you might be thinking, that's terrifying and you're right. Its a scary concept. I mean it could happen ya know? A giant asteroid jetting toward the earth, very possible. That's exactly what this story is about. An asteroid is heading towards the planet and four kids must erase their labels they have been placed under and really live before well, they die. The story is so different and I think that's why it's so intriguing. I mean I hated the ending but overall loved the book. I just really wish the author wrapped up what happens in the end. It makes me sad but like whatcha gonna do?
Favorite Character: Honeslty, I'm not sure if I can pick. I like all of the characters in their own way. I like Peter because he was nice. He was sweet and took care of his sister. I liked Andy because he kept the book light hearted and kept the jokes rolling. I liked the fact the book still made me laugh. I liked Anita because she reminds me of myself, feeling so much pressure of school that you just kinda break down. I also like that she starts the break out of her shell throughout the story. But I also like Eliza because she knew who she wanted to be, a photographer. She was confident and sassy which I also liked. So in conclusion I have no favorite character but I have favorite qualities in each unique character.
Favorite quotes:"The best books, they don't talk about things you never thought about before. They talk about things you'd always thought about, but that you didn't think anyone else had thought about. You read them, and suddenly you're a little bit less alone in the world. You're part of this cosmic community of people who thought about this thing, whatever it happens to be."
"But if she learn anything in the past year, it was that no amount of suffering could save you from more of it."
"Life sucks, a cliché, sure, but that didn't make it any less true."
"people talk about their days being number, but really, everything was numbered."
"didn't he realize this was the end of the world? There is no time left to be nice."
"Anita wouldn't ask the universe for a second chance, anymore than she'd ask for a second act. She knew now that no one was in town to either one."
"when everything was burning up right in front of you, you can imagine parts of yourself burning along with it, all your disappointments, all the things you'd done that you wish you hadn't, even all the bad memories."
"this is why love that astroid. We spend all our lives standing up on the ledge like this, but we pretend not to notice. Everybody working away at their jobs, saving their pennies, having their kids, when all it takes is one shove... And down you go. I felt like I was the only one who noticed that. But not anymore. Now everybody's up here with me."
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Best 'Binge' Ever
Hey guys. So I met the cutest being on the earth on October 22.
His name is Tyler Oakley and he is one of the biggest names on the Internet today..
My friends Katy, Rachel and I decided to embark on this very stressful journey.
The planning started the very beginning of the week so NOTHING and i mean NOTHING went wrong because trust me Katy and I have had our fair share of messups when it comes to meeting our favorite youtubers. But those stories are for a different time and place, they just stress me out.
Anyway, we began planning early. I was communicating with Rachel the whole week and told her our plan was to leave around 5:30 am to get there around 6 am because the bookstore opened at 8.
This is what happened:
The night before katy came over with snacks ready and an outfit set to go. She slept over so it was easy to get up early and leave as soon as possible. We went to bed and snoozed our little hearts away dreaming of tyler oakley and butterflies. HOWEVER, WE DID NOT WAKE UP TO OUR ALARMS AND WE WOKE UP AT 5:19 AM AND WE WERE SUPPOSED TO LEAVE AT 5:30. Sorry ill stop yelling but it was stressing me out hardcore. So Katy ran out of bed and plugged in her straighter and i laid there still not having a damn idea what i was going to wear to this thing.
Finally, i got up and put on a new shirt i bought, some jeans, winter boots, and my cute new brown jacket, I was set with a bag of blankets, snacks, things to entertain myself, and some ways to charge my phone. Eventually, we left the house around 6 am and luckily rachel was already there to save us spots. (thanks rachel :])
Anyway, when we got there, there were a ton of people in line but thank God rachel was in the front! It looked like we were in the first 100 people out of 500! Rachel was by herself until we got there, or at least we thought because 3 people showed up and apparently rachel made friends. There names were Nikki, Ben, and Tals. THEY WERE 8TH GRADERS BUT LOOKED OUR AGE! ANYWHO that doesnt matter they were sweet and loved tyler oakley too so we all became a squad.
His name is Tyler Oakley and he is one of the biggest names on the Internet today..
My friends Katy, Rachel and I decided to embark on this very stressful journey.
The planning started the very beginning of the week so NOTHING and i mean NOTHING went wrong because trust me Katy and I have had our fair share of messups when it comes to meeting our favorite youtubers. But those stories are for a different time and place, they just stress me out.
Anyway, we began planning early. I was communicating with Rachel the whole week and told her our plan was to leave around 5:30 am to get there around 6 am because the bookstore opened at 8.
This is what happened:
The night before katy came over with snacks ready and an outfit set to go. She slept over so it was easy to get up early and leave as soon as possible. We went to bed and snoozed our little hearts away dreaming of tyler oakley and butterflies. HOWEVER, WE DID NOT WAKE UP TO OUR ALARMS AND WE WOKE UP AT 5:19 AM AND WE WERE SUPPOSED TO LEAVE AT 5:30. Sorry ill stop yelling but it was stressing me out hardcore. So Katy ran out of bed and plugged in her straighter and i laid there still not having a damn idea what i was going to wear to this thing.
Finally, i got up and put on a new shirt i bought, some jeans, winter boots, and my cute new brown jacket, I was set with a bag of blankets, snacks, things to entertain myself, and some ways to charge my phone. Eventually, we left the house around 6 am and luckily rachel was already there to save us spots. (thanks rachel :])
Anyway, when we got there, there were a ton of people in line but thank God rachel was in the front! It looked like we were in the first 100 people out of 500! Rachel was by herself until we got there, or at least we thought because 3 people showed up and apparently rachel made friends. There names were Nikki, Ben, and Tals. THEY WERE 8TH GRADERS BUT LOOKED OUR AGE! ANYWHO that doesnt matter they were sweet and loved tyler oakley too so we all became a squad.
After the book store finally opened everything was so orderly. I have never seen a meet and greet so orderly ill tell ya that. We walked in a line to the registers to purchase a signed copy of the book we got later that day. Purchasing the book acquired you a wristband with a number on it, indicting when you got to meet him. I got number 68. I was 68th in line to meet him, 68 guys.
By the time we got wristband and found a spot to sit until the meetup it was only like 8:30am. The meetup started at 1 pm. We were about to sit in barnes and noble for 4 hours doing nothing but having major anxiety. Basically, all we did within the hours were going on twitter, snapchat, and talk to each other or at least try because all our friends were in school. Eventually, I succumbed to downloading solitaire on my phone to pass time and i only one once because i suck. Since rachel is in college she had a class at like 9:30 so she left in the middle of the waiting so eventually she texted me and asked if we needed anything for us when she came back. She so kindly agreed to buy us food and bring it to us as the time crept closer and closer to the meetup starting.
Around 12:40 rachel arrived with our food and we headed up stairs because the meet and greet started in 5 minutes. Then finally it started and the first group to go were the first 50 according to the wristband number, so us 3 were in group #2.
Group 1 must have been lightening speed because all of a sudden we three were in line to meet him. Not trying to panic the line crept closer and closer to the enclosure we met him in. Katy was first, I was second and rachel went last. When katy walked in i got to stand and watch her go and i bent over and went "OH MY GOD" and i stayed like this even after katy left. I stayed like this for about a good 10 seconds when she left.
This is how the convo went:
Tyler: *arms in hugging form* come in here!
me: *squeals and runs up and hugs him* HI OMG YOURE AWESOME
Tyler: aww whats your name?
me: haley
tyler: haley, nice to meet you! *turns to take a smiling pic*
me; wait! *holds out my hands* can we do a different pose?
Tyler: you wanna do this? *mimics my hand movement*
me: no no you pick the pose!
Tyler: oh umm lets do model pose *flashes his pose and i follow*
me: omg thank you
*hug again and i run away crying*
Once you meet tyler there is a table where you pick up your signed copy of the book and pick up candy because of his book cover and what not. I did that and then we all three walked down stairs not containing our excitement and not really believing what just happened to us. We saw a group of others freaking out and joined them for about 10 minutes fangirling over our photos. Then rachel had to leave for work and i had to get home. So we all split up and drove home with our bodies tingling.
When i arrived home i took photos and just admired the signed copy i now had, Now i have two copies of his book but oh well :) Later that night i feel asleep for a good 2 hours and woke up feeling good. I just met my idol and it was a good day!
If you wanna see me react to getting his book click here: CLICK HERE
If you wanna see the meetup experience live in action click here: CLICK HERE
Have a great day guys and i hope one day you get to meet one of your idols. xoxo -idontknow
Saturday, October 17, 2015
What's on My Book Self?!
Hey guys I know I'm already back with another review of another great book! This time it's from a youtuber so this one is a little more tailored towards that audience. Her name is Jenn McCallister and she wrote a book called "Really Professional Interent Person." It is mostly about her and her struggles and her dealing with her career and YouTube. Therefore, if you aren't a big fan of her or know nothing about YouTube and what it is, I would not suggest you read this book. However, I do recommend this for anyone looking for inspiration and is someone who wants to follow their dreams.
Jenn is one of the first youtubers I ever subscribed to and honestly one of my favorites. She reminds me so much of what I like to make for videos and it's great to see that someone become sosuccessful (not to mention beautiful!)
Anyway, the book is amazing. I love the whole way the book is set up with pictures and the book is so like smooth feeling (is that weird to say?... Probably). Also it's just a great book to inspire people to follow their dreams and to not be afraid to be 100% yourself.
If you are looking for an inspirational piece of work, this is it. Her story may not be the most normal since it's mostly dealing with YouTube, but that doesn't mean anything because her story is a perfect example of how to overcome anything.
I just would pick up this book at your local Barnes and nobles or Amazon. I believe Jenn deserves all the support in the world.
Favorite Quotes: "So when i refer to O2L in later chapter, dont think i am in total denial. Well, maybe a little."
"I used all those cliches because, honestly, i thought the truth sounded even more made-up."
"When youre a normal high school senior, your schedule is basically determined for you. You have to be up at the same time every day because you have to be there by the time the bell rings. Everything else you do, whether its homework, soccer practice, and after-school job at Taco Bell-- or in my case, Youtube-- happens between the time school gets out and the time you go to sleep. Because, no matter what, the next morning you have to get up, get dressed, and get your ass to first period."
And my last quote is the letter to my future self whole chapter. The chapter and letter is obviously to long to type or id be here for hours. So, now its your turn to find out how good the letter was by picking up a copy. You wont regret it.
"I used all those cliches because, honestly, i thought the truth sounded even more made-up."
"When youre a normal high school senior, your schedule is basically determined for you. You have to be up at the same time every day because you have to be there by the time the bell rings. Everything else you do, whether its homework, soccer practice, and after-school job at Taco Bell-- or in my case, Youtube-- happens between the time school gets out and the time you go to sleep. Because, no matter what, the next morning you have to get up, get dressed, and get your ass to first period."
And my last quote is the letter to my future self whole chapter. The chapter and letter is obviously to long to type or id be here for hours. So, now its your turn to find out how good the letter was by picking up a copy. You wont regret it.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Write your Fears
Hey guys, I'm a curious human being and have a question for you. Have you ever wondered why I made this blog? I ovibously know the answer because well I am the writer of the blog. I'm still not sure why you guys come in here and read it, but I appericate it nonetheless.
So if you are indeed curious, like me, to know why I made this blog I'll tell you. Well first of all my friend Anna introduced me to this website because she also has a blog. I'll link her here:ANNAS BLOG Right away I wanted to join, but I was hesitant.
Obviously you know the decision I made. I made this blog because I love to write. I don't think that is a big secret to anyone. Most of my friends know this is what I want to do with my life. Not being a professional blogger, alothugh, that'd be flipping fun, but writing stuff that inspires people. However, if my blog inspires you, I don't know why but thanks anyway.
I have always been afraid to share my writing, not like this type of writing, but stuff I write when I'm really in my emotions and need to get things off my chest. Some things I write are super serious and I love it. I would called myself a fun and happy person, but I think my writing would call me by another name. I'm not the same when I write I dig deep into my emotions and how I feel. And sometimes those feelings are never publicly shown.
I think it's time for a change. I really want to share my writing. If not to the world maybe just to you all who read this blog. If anything the people who read this is who I would want to see my writing anyway (congrats to my friends who read this :)) Anyway I really do want to express my inner self on this blog, open myself to the opinions of others.
And I think that is why I've been scared. I really don't want people to hate my writing. I haven't even really showed my parents the writing I do in my free time. Especially now that I know I wanna major in writing in college I really really don't want people to dislike my work.
So right now I'm in my AP Governement class and I'm taking deep breaths. And here you go, here's some of my writing (be nice):
I don't know how people drive in the rain.
Tears pouring down your face because you can't handle the sliding of life.
You grip the wheel tight and start to lose feeling in your hands.
Tears start to blend with the water drops on your windshield & you can't notice the difference.
You muffle your screams because you may lose control of the car.
Everything is moving in fast forward, except you.
Reading is beautiful.
It opens the mind to endless possibilities.
You enter a completely different world.
You are able to connect with characters and they become part of you.
You love the feeling of turning the pages and the smell of crisp freshly printed stories.
It's like life is awoken by the words
These words inspire us.
They make us believe in love and life all over again.
Books are special.
& I hope that one day something you read inspires you to create your own story.
That Girl
That girl who has people automatically flock to her.
Who has someone talking to her every moment of the day.
That girl who is never out of a relationship.
Who always has to show others what her and her boyfriend are doing.
That girl who looks in the mirror and smiles as she flips her hair.
That girl who guys will get nervous around and stutter because they think she's beautiful.
I have never been that girl
I have never been able to see myself as that girl. I don't know whether if it's because I can not achieve it or I was not destined to be that girl.
That girl who is constantly talking to someone
That girl who has so many friends she can't keep track of any of them
I've never been that girl
I have decided maybe because I chose to never be that girl
That girl is someone I always hid from
That girl was someone I never wanted myself to become
I've never been that girl & I never will be
& that's okay
You don't have to be that girl.
You can be the girl who reads books and likes to be alone every once & awhile.
i hope you guys all enjoyed and this makes you brave enough to maybe share something you have been hiding :) love you all xoxo - idontknow
So if you are indeed curious, like me, to know why I made this blog I'll tell you. Well first of all my friend Anna introduced me to this website because she also has a blog. I'll link her here:ANNAS BLOG Right away I wanted to join, but I was hesitant.
Obviously you know the decision I made. I made this blog because I love to write. I don't think that is a big secret to anyone. Most of my friends know this is what I want to do with my life. Not being a professional blogger, alothugh, that'd be flipping fun, but writing stuff that inspires people. However, if my blog inspires you, I don't know why but thanks anyway.
I have always been afraid to share my writing, not like this type of writing, but stuff I write when I'm really in my emotions and need to get things off my chest. Some things I write are super serious and I love it. I would called myself a fun and happy person, but I think my writing would call me by another name. I'm not the same when I write I dig deep into my emotions and how I feel. And sometimes those feelings are never publicly shown.
I think it's time for a change. I really want to share my writing. If not to the world maybe just to you all who read this blog. If anything the people who read this is who I would want to see my writing anyway (congrats to my friends who read this :)) Anyway I really do want to express my inner self on this blog, open myself to the opinions of others.
And I think that is why I've been scared. I really don't want people to hate my writing. I haven't even really showed my parents the writing I do in my free time. Especially now that I know I wanna major in writing in college I really really don't want people to dislike my work.
So right now I'm in my AP Governement class and I'm taking deep breaths. And here you go, here's some of my writing (be nice):
I don't know how people drive in the rain.
Tears pouring down your face because you can't handle the sliding of life.
You grip the wheel tight and start to lose feeling in your hands.
Tears start to blend with the water drops on your windshield & you can't notice the difference.
You muffle your screams because you may lose control of the car.
Everything is moving in fast forward, except you.
Reading is beautiful.
It opens the mind to endless possibilities.
You enter a completely different world.
You are able to connect with characters and they become part of you.
You love the feeling of turning the pages and the smell of crisp freshly printed stories.
It's like life is awoken by the words
These words inspire us.
They make us believe in love and life all over again.
Books are special.
& I hope that one day something you read inspires you to create your own story.
That Girl
I've never been that girl
That girl who has people automatically flock to her.
Who has someone talking to her every moment of the day.
That girl who is never out of a relationship.
Who always has to show others what her and her boyfriend are doing.
That girl who looks in the mirror and smiles as she flips her hair.
That girl who guys will get nervous around and stutter because they think she's beautiful.
I have never been that girl
I have never been able to see myself as that girl. I don't know whether if it's because I can not achieve it or I was not destined to be that girl.
That girl who is constantly talking to someone
That girl who has so many friends she can't keep track of any of them
I've never been that girl
I have decided maybe because I chose to never be that girl
That girl is someone I always hid from
That girl was someone I never wanted myself to become
I've never been that girl & I never will be
& that's okay
You don't have to be that girl.
You can be the girl who reads books and likes to be alone every once & awhile.
i hope you guys all enjoyed and this makes you brave enough to maybe share something you have been hiding :) love you all xoxo - idontknow
Friday, October 9, 2015
What's on my Book Shelf..?
Guys check out the new title ;) I just get so bored of the book titles I have to switch it up every so often. Let me know what ya think?!
Anyway, on to the book review! Today's book is called "Leaving Time" by Jodi Picoult. Picoult wrote one of my favorite books, which was also my very first book review on this blog *sheds a tear*, "My Sisters Keeper." So since she wrote one of my fav books I wanted to see if she could write something just as good twice. Honestly, she can. This book "Leaving Time" was so interesting. I've learned so much from this mystery novel. This is a book that you want to keep reading and never put it down.
This book is about a girl named Jenna trying to reopen her mothers case of disappearance, but the catch is it's been 10 years since it happened. This book has a plot twist that I am not telling you, because that would be dumb of me. Now listen, this book has a lot of information on elephants and weird things on animals but that is okay because it is over written by the intensity of the story. Please go pick of this book or at least read something written by Jodi Picoult. She is great author and really knows how to write a story.
FAVORITE CHARACTER: honestly, I'm not sure if I have one. I liked most of the characters equally. None really stuck out to me just because there was so many I never got the chance to really learn to love one person. If any of you get the chance to read it let me know if you agree or disagree.
Favorite Quotes: "The moral of the story is that no matter how much we try, no matter how much we want it.... some stories just don't have a happy ending."
"I'm the princess in an ivory tower, except every brick is made of history, and I built this prison myself."
"I wonder if, as you get older, you stop missing people so fiercely. Maybe growing up is just focusing on what you've got, instead of what you don't."
"Rage often brings out the real person."
"Elephants don't have that hope, only the memories of this life. Maybe that's why it is easier for them to move on."
"Death is so final. So done."
"If you think about someone you've loved and lost, you are already with them. The rest is just details."
"well, because when you desperately want to believe somethings true, you can convince yourself of just about anything."
"If your life sucks completely, sometimes its easier to start over."
"I stopped trying to figure out why humans do what they do a long time ago."
"Thats all a human life is, really-- a do-over, a chance to get it right... or youll be brought be back to try again."
"A bruise is how the body remembers its been wronged."
"It is why i dont like to close my eyes, because when you do, people disappear. And if people disappear, you dont know for sure that they are coming back."
Alright be ready for the next book and until then start reading!! xoxo - idontknow
Anyway, on to the book review! Today's book is called "Leaving Time" by Jodi Picoult. Picoult wrote one of my favorite books, which was also my very first book review on this blog *sheds a tear*, "My Sisters Keeper." So since she wrote one of my fav books I wanted to see if she could write something just as good twice. Honestly, she can. This book "Leaving Time" was so interesting. I've learned so much from this mystery novel. This is a book that you want to keep reading and never put it down.
This book is about a girl named Jenna trying to reopen her mothers case of disappearance, but the catch is it's been 10 years since it happened. This book has a plot twist that I am not telling you, because that would be dumb of me. Now listen, this book has a lot of information on elephants and weird things on animals but that is okay because it is over written by the intensity of the story. Please go pick of this book or at least read something written by Jodi Picoult. She is great author and really knows how to write a story.
FAVORITE CHARACTER: honestly, I'm not sure if I have one. I liked most of the characters equally. None really stuck out to me just because there was so many I never got the chance to really learn to love one person. If any of you get the chance to read it let me know if you agree or disagree.
Favorite Quotes: "The moral of the story is that no matter how much we try, no matter how much we want it.... some stories just don't have a happy ending."
"I'm the princess in an ivory tower, except every brick is made of history, and I built this prison myself."
"I wonder if, as you get older, you stop missing people so fiercely. Maybe growing up is just focusing on what you've got, instead of what you don't."
"Rage often brings out the real person."
"Elephants don't have that hope, only the memories of this life. Maybe that's why it is easier for them to move on."
"Death is so final. So done."
"If you think about someone you've loved and lost, you are already with them. The rest is just details."
"well, because when you desperately want to believe somethings true, you can convince yourself of just about anything."
"If your life sucks completely, sometimes its easier to start over."
"I stopped trying to figure out why humans do what they do a long time ago."
"Thats all a human life is, really-- a do-over, a chance to get it right... or youll be brought be back to try again."
"A bruise is how the body remembers its been wronged."
"It is why i dont like to close my eyes, because when you do, people disappear. And if people disappear, you dont know for sure that they are coming back."
Alright be ready for the next book and until then start reading!! xoxo - idontknow
Thursday, October 1, 2015
September Favorites!
Hello beautiful humans. Well as you can tell by the title that the month is over and another is arriving & it's time for favoritessssss!
Favorite Movie/Tv Show: Since i was sick netflix became my best friend. I watched some weird movies called "6 Years" & "Virgin Suicides" Both of these i dont know if i fully recommend them. They were weird and awkward. HOWEVER, i did watch If I Stay again because it got released on netflix. I BALLED during the part with her gpa tells her its okay to leave. GUYS, if you havent watched this movie please watch it.
Favorite Songs: I dont have a specific song, but if you have spotify download it and go to Jack Matthews profile and listen to his playlists. They are so amazing and peaceful. Right now im obsessed with his fall playlist because well fall is my favorite season and its happening now.
Honestly, I have seen so many people do this & I feel so basic but I love it so... Enjoy.
Favorite Book: guys my nerdness is lacking so hardcore at the moment because school has given me NO time to read. I did read that Dante & Ari discover secrets of the universe but it just isn't cutting the favs list this time. It was good but I feel like the book I'm reading now is gonna be better! So sorry guys I'll try to read more for next month!!!
Favorite Random Item: My laptop that im typing on this very minute. I got it brand new because my brother had to take his back. I love it, it is a touch screen and its so nice. I honestly couldnt live without it because of my school work and my passion of film.
Favorite Clothing Item: SWEATPANTS. Honestly, yall ive been sick for 2 weeks,,, i actually have a sinus infection and it sucks. Therefore, i have been wearing lazy clothes 24/7. I never leave sweatpants. NEVER. Actually, i do but really they are comfy and i have been wearing them a lot this month.
Favorite Event: TAYLOR SWIFT DUH! If you didnt guess that.. well you mustve not read my last blog post, so you should hop to it. It was a changing event and i stll rewatch the videos i have on my phone. And i promise there will be a video on my youtube channel soon of my full experience i just havent had time!
Favorite Clothing Item: SWEATPANTS. Honestly, yall ive been sick for 2 weeks,,, i actually have a sinus infection and it sucks. Therefore, i have been wearing lazy clothes 24/7. I never leave sweatpants. NEVER. Actually, i do but really they are comfy and i have been wearing them a lot this month.
Favorite Event: TAYLOR SWIFT DUH! If you didnt guess that.. well you mustve not read my last blog post, so you should hop to it. It was a changing event and i stll rewatch the videos i have on my phone. And i promise there will be a video on my youtube channel soon of my full experience i just havent had time!
Favorite Movie/Tv Show: Since i was sick netflix became my best friend. I watched some weird movies called "6 Years" & "Virgin Suicides" Both of these i dont know if i fully recommend them. They were weird and awkward. HOWEVER, i did watch If I Stay again because it got released on netflix. I BALLED during the part with her gpa tells her its okay to leave. GUYS, if you havent watched this movie please watch it.
Favorite Songs: I dont have a specific song, but if you have spotify download it and go to Jack Matthews profile and listen to his playlists. They are so amazing and peaceful. Right now im obsessed with his fall playlist because well fall is my favorite season and its happening now.
Alright guys that's it for my favorites!! If you have any ideas for what I should add to my list let me know!! Xoxo - idontknow
Friday, September 25, 2015
SO GUYS I WENT TO THE 1989 WORLD TOUR AND I CANT EVEN BELIEVE IT MYSELF. You guys should know by now im a huge t-swizzle fan and if you didnt you must be new... Anyway, i did get the opportunity to go to her recent tour concerts in columbus!
So let start from the beginning..
My mom bought my sister and i tickets for the friday show in december of 2014. So ive been waiting for over 7 months and then months later its a week before the concert when my aunt tells my mom she has something to give me... ITS HER TAYLOR SWIFT TICKETS FOR THE THURSDAY SHOW!! I couldnt believe it i get two nights of taylor and my seats are to die for.
first night tickets |
So for the thursday show i brought my mom and we went to Dicks Last Resort which is right by nationwide for dinner and it was so much fun. Even though our waiter didnt give us hats and mock us it was still delicious. Then my friend anna was actually going the same night so i waited for her to arrive so we could take some pics together before the show!
Then my mom went into the venue to find our seats and when we did i think i peed because WE WERE SO CLOSE! I mean the stage was literally right there in front of my eyeballs.
So once we arrived at our seats we kind of just relaxed because we were in there about 45 minutes early before the show actually started. Most of the time we were watching the screen and what taylor was playing or on our phones telling everyone about our amazing seats. I literally could not fathom the fact that we were so close, we had seats where you didnt have to watch the screens to see the artist up close you just see them. It was truly insane and im so thankful to my aunt and uncle for their tickets! Oh and by the way THEE andrea swift ended up being 10 ft from me and waved to me and i think my hear exploded.
Then finally 7;30 hit and her opening act Vance Joy came out! I know a couple of songs by him, but he only played one song i knew. Now dont get me wrong that doesnt mean i didnt enjoy his set because i definitely did. Vance has such a good vibe to him and his sound of music. Its very calming and nice to listen to.
Once Riptide came on though i was jamming hard core. My plan for the night was to record things i wanted to. I had such good seats i couldnt help myself and plus i had another night to relive it and remember it without a video camera.
After Vance left the stage it was about 8:00 and taylor came on in like 30 minutes. Now im sure you can imagine how i felt at this point and that i could not contain myself. MY IDOL WAS COMING ON A STAGE 20 FT FROM ME IN LESS THAN AN HOUR I WAS NOT OKAY. I couldn't believe how lucky i was to even be at the concert because it was sold out and thats 15000 people.
It was honestly the longest 30 minutes of my life waiting for her, but it was worth it. When finally the lights went out and the crowd was on their feet and the only thing you could hear were screams, time was no longer relevant. The opening scene was a clip of New York and the stage was set in that type of scene and finally the lights brighten, the dancers come out, and then i see a little ball of sunshine appear and i scream so loud i think i made my mom deaf. Then she began to sing Welcome to New York and i sang every single word.
That is not a zoomed picture and now you can really tell how good our seats were. And at one point during welcome to new york she came towards our side and i could see her sweat and she looked my way. I MELTED AND DIED. I couldnt believe what i was seeing and the night had only just begun!!
The rest of the concert was just as great with so many great speeches, performances, costumes, and vocals. If i went into detail we would be here all night so youll just have to trust me.
All the wristbands lit up red while she sang an acoustic version of RED |
Anyway, after the concert was over i couldnt believe how time flew by. I really didnt want it to be over but i knew id be back tomorrow! It made me even more excited for the friday show just to see her again!
I did end up buying a concert shirt. It is just a black t shirt that has 'Taylor Swift' written in neon looking signs on the front then it has her tour dates on the back. How basic i know but i wanted it so whatcha gonna do.
Day 2 began with my sister coming home from her apartment and then we got our hair done and my hair was finally redyed and cut short again! I love it and s/o to stephaine she is the bomb. After we got our hair done we went to pick up our friends Kristina and Carolynn because they also had tickets so we decided to hang with them before the concert! So we decided to eat some subs then head down the nationwide were we had a huge photoshoot!
After our photo shoot we took an adventure down town because Carolynns and i's older sisters wanted some gum so we headed to the convention center to find a convenience store for there stinky breath problems.
Once we eventually found one we all noticed that kristinas outfit was inside out the whole time and that was so funny but she got it fixed dont fret.
After our adventures we headed back to nationwide and i bought another shirt this time a cutoff with her face on it. Also jess bought a mug and we bought our mom a calendar. Then we headed inside and we had to split off because we had lower bowl seats and they had upper bowl.
Once we arrived in our seats we got super excited and didnt have to wait as long for vance to come on and sing his songs. Jess really enjoyed his slow and calm vibe as well as i did.
Now when Taylor came on we freaked out. I didnt take as much photos or videos because i was to busy living in the moment and screaming the lyrics. Her setlist and dances happened to be the same but that didnt bother me one single bit. I loved it just as much, if not more! My sister and i ended up losing our voices and couldnt speak at all after the concert ended.
In conclusion, if you have a chance to see her in concert i suggest you do because she is amazing live and she is the best. She has amazing musicality and a perfect voice. I dont have a favorite because everything was equally amazing.
And here are some final pictures for you to enjoy. Thanks for reading my taylor swift experience and if you want more heres a video for it:
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